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Hybrid War Hyenas Are Tearing Brazil Apart

The gloomy and repulsive night when the female president of the 7th largest economy in the world was the prey of choice fed to a lynch mob of hyenas in a drab, provincial Circus Maximus will forever live in infamy. By 367 votes for and 137 against, the impeachment/coup/regime change-light drive against Dilma Rousseff cleared the Brazilian Congressional circus and will now go to the Senate, where a “special commission” will be set up. If approved, Rousseff will then be sidelined for 180 days and a low-rent tropical Brutus, Vice-President Michel Temer, will ascend to power until the Senate’s final verdict.

"Brazil proclaimed its independence from Portugal [...] on 7 September 1822. The event ... took place between 4:00 and 5:00 P.M. LMT ..." Campion, "The Book of World Horoscopes," (Second Edition, 1996), p. 99.
There is a strong movement among Brazilian astrologers in favor of a 4:47 P.M. time for this chart. This is based on historic accounts of the whereabouts of the emperor on that particular day, the time he arrived at Ipiranga river, etc., and is supported by the feeling shared by many local astrologers that Brazil is more likely to be portrayed by a Pisces ascendant rather than by an Aquarius ascendant.

The solar eclipse[18pi] of March 9 formed a T-square with Brazil’s radix Sun [14vi34] and TNP Hades [17sa33] in the 10th house. In a national chart both the Sun and the 10th house refer to the leader in power. Therefore, an eclipse affecting the Sun or 10th house invariably brings trouble for the leader.  Can it be a coincidence that the current president of Brazil Dilma Rousseff  (born 14 December 1947)  has her radix Sun [21sa46] conjunct the Brazil’s radix TNP Hades [17sa33]  in the 10th over which transit Saturn has stationed retrograde in March.

Saturn-Hades: to be aware of enmity (or attempts to debase the reputation or credibility).[1]

Using the Uranian Astrology method we find additionally that in the Brazil chart, the radix Sun [14vi34] is in a sesquisquare aspect to the Uranus/Kronos [28cp26] midpoint.

Uranus/Kronos: to be aware of rebellion against leadership or governments.[1]

[1] The Orders of Light; Martha Lang-Wescott
