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Why so many celebrities have died in 2016

"When beggars die there are no comets seen;
The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."

Julius Caesar (II, ii, 30-31)

We are only four months in, but it's already been a dark, dark 2016. It now seems rare for a week to pass without a significant celebrity death being reported - from David Bowie in the second week of January, to actor Alan Rickman a week later, to comedian Victoria Wood and Prince this week. "Enough, 2016" and a more vulgar alternative are phrases people are uttering more and more regularly. So is this wave of celebrity deaths the new normal? The answer is yes, according to the BBC's obituary editor Nick Serpell, who ought to know about such things. He says the number of significant deaths this year has been "phenomenal".

Not that everything important happens during Solar and Lunar eclipses, but many major events in our lives do. Numerous important people have died during the eclipse times. Shakespeare in Julius Caesar reminds us of just that.

However, the most recent solar eclipse of March 9, was even more special in this regard since it was conjunct Neptune and the asteroid Orpheus and formed a T-square with Jupiter-Saturn.  Martha Wescott  links Orpheus [1] with death as well as with music and since Neptune rules films among other things many of these deaths are related to the music or film industry.

ORPHEUS: Sad, sweet or haunting music, lyrics or poetry; dirges; sense of mourning and loss; grief (for what you don't have—what has gone out of your life--  “might have been” or what was); contact with death.
