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Eclipse highlights a holistic way to treat liver diseases

High levels of a digestive hormone called secretin may play an important role in the management of certain chronic liver diseases, according to new research published in the journal Hepatology. These findings could result in new ways to treat cholestatic liver diseases, a condition that impairs the movement of bile, the fluid produced by the liver to digest fats. May 17

The research on the new treatment for liver diseases was carried out by a team of scientists at the Texas A&M Health Science Center at Bryan,Tx. Notice that the last solar eclipse of March 8 fell in the mundane 6th house connected with health issues. It was a part of a T-square with Jupiter and Saturn and conjunct stars of Gula, the ancient goddess of healing.
The central organ of assimilation in the human body is the liver, over which Jupiter rules in astrology. For Jupiter in Virgo, Eileen Nauman in her book Medical Astrology writes:

Jupiter in Virgo may create liver problems related to enzyme functions, an enlarged liver, abscess of the liver, jaundice, fatty degeneration of the liver and cholesterol deposits.

Progressing the eclipse chart to May 17, the date of the news, aligns the T-square with the progressed meridian triggering the news event related to liver disease and its treatment.

But there is a deeper message for wholistic healing that is contained in the eclipse chart which cannot be understood if we approach the problem through conventional allopathic approach.

At the level of the body, Jupiter (as liver) deals with foodstuffs; at the level of the feelings and mind, Jupiter (as Soul) deals with the various products of social-collective living which constitutes "culture." Culture is like food in the digestive organs of the collective mentality and psyche of a people — and it is the Jupiter function's task, within a particular personality, to do the assimilating.

An improperly functioning Jupiter can at  the physical level lead to obesity. The body becomes fat.  At the mental level, the mind fills up with unused data and unrelated cultural information. Improper assimilation causes, at one level the fat body, at another the scholar loaded with cultural materials yet unable to put them to any creative individual use.
Jupiter is currently in Virgo ( health/ need for development of analytical capacity and discrimination) square Saturn in  Sagittarius (belief systems/ worldview). So, let us say,  if we are having a health issue (e.g. a liver problem) it may be because our fears (Saturn) have led to prejudice stemming from a narrow and rigid worldview (Sagittarius). When used consciously, Saturn asks us to face those fears and encourages us to keep our minds open with curiosity and questions, challenging old ideas to adapt to current realities. This is not about abandoning core values but is, rather, about adjusting them to adapt to contemporary issues. It’s helpful to challenge our own beliefs and philosophies instead of clinging to concepts that no longer serve our needs.

This  then is right approach to the medical issues highlighted by the eclipse.
