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Not only trauma but also the reversal of trauma is inherited

Behaviors caused by traumatic experiences in early life are reversible. Researchers from the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich could demonstrate that environmental enrichment allows trauma-related symptoms in mice to be reversed. This is the first evidence that positive environmental factors can correct behavioral alterations which would otherwise be transmitted to the offspring. The symptoms and their reversal are associated with epigenetic regulation of the glucocorticoid receptor gene. Traumatic experiences in childhood increase the risk of developing behavioral and psychiatric disorders later in life. It is also known that the consequences of a trauma can likewise be observed in the children of people affected even if those children have themselves not experienced any trauma. However, childhood trauma in some conditions can also help individuals deal better with difficult situations later in life. This ability, too, is passed onto following generations. These findings have recently been uncovered by Isabelle Mansuy, Professor of Neuroepigenetics at the University of Zurich and ETH Zurich, during investigations carried out in mice. June 23

Lunations have an interesting way of highlighting major issues that take place under their influence. A chart for the current Full Moon at Zurich not only symbolically contains the issues mentioned but also tells us the root cause behind it. The Full Moon fell on the meridian axis along with the TNPs Cupido-Hades and square the dwarf planet Makemake placed on the Ascendant. Putting together keyphrases for the TNPs from Martha Wescott we can see why one of issues being highlighted by the Full Moon is “depression linked to family history”.

CUPIDO: Issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics; comments on the home, residence or household themes; decor; artistry; sense for art; partner or family members.

HADES: Disgust/distaste; debilitation or deterioration; interest in the past (inc. past lives)—thus history and primitive origins; handling highly detailed work, chores or drudgery; “messy” situations; depressing emotions; research; investigation into the root cause of problems; bowels; vermin or toxins.

About Makemake’s primary influence in our lives, Nick Fiorenza writes [1]:

Makemake points towards “psycho-emotional life scenarios by which we may seem helplessly trapped. and can “indicate initiatory lessons to claim our own power regarding this theme, to stand in our soul integrity rather than turning our heads in arrogant denial and falling into a sense of perpetual helplessness”. “Here we are asked to become attentive to the fact that our intent of purpose can be diverted and dispersed by psycho-emotional forces that congest us when toxic physical conditions exist, when we are naive to such forces, or simply in mental-emotional denial. Our psycho-emotional fog can then perpetuate confused life scenarios, antiquated involvements, or entrapments that are no longer in our highest interest nor serving our well-being, especially regarding our fundamental physical needs and emotional desires”.

In other words, Makemake at the apex of the Full Moon T-square is telling us that depressions linked to family history can be overcome if we stand in integrity to ourselves and not allow toxic and antiquated involvement, or entrapments to stop us from claiming our own power. (Observant readers will see a connection to today’s decision by Britain to leave the EU, thereby claiming their own power and identify it as a way out of "family inherited  depression.")
