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Rare bronze wing from Roman sculpture discovered in Gloucester

Aquila Imperiale

Archaeologists have unearthed a greenish-colored bronze wing in England that dates to the Roman period, an archaeology company reports.  The 5.5-inch-long (14 centimeters) wing is small enough to fit in a person's hand, the archaeologists said. It's meticulously covered with detailed plumage, and was likely part of a Roman bronze sculpture of a god or goddess, they said. The archaeologists cleaned and X-rayed the specimen, which revealed the wing's finely cast detail. The wing looks similar to those seen on eagle statuettes and other eagle imagery from the Roman world, they said in a statement. Details on the small, bronze wing suggest that it comes from a winged victory statuette of Victoria, they said. However, it's possible that it was part of a statue representing Mercury, a messenger god with wings on his helmet or heels, the archaeologists told Culture24. It's rare to find a Roman bronze statue, and there are few known depictions of Victoria or eagles in the province, they said. The new specimen was uncovered on an earthen bank located just behind the Roman city wall, the archaeologists said. June 17

This news is most elegantly explained if we begin with the chart for the last solar eclipse at Gloucester, England. Notice that (a) the eclipse is part of a T-square that straddles the horizon axis (b) Pluto is sextile the eclipse and square the meridian. Among events connected to the stars that form the backdrop to the eclipse Diana Rosenberg includes “hidden things brought to light”.Also since Pluto is square Uranus in the 4th house (things underground) we have  something hidden underground brought to light!!

 And then we notice that Pluto [17cp] is conjunct lambda Aquilae, a star in the Eagle’s lower wing! 

And just to confirm that we are on right track, if we progress the eclipse chart to June 17, the date of the news,  we find that the progressed angles once again trigger the eclipse.
