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Why North Korea is a safe haven for birds

Columba - Noah's Dove

Photos from inside North Korea reveal how the ecology of the secretive Asian country is preventing the extinction of several once plentiful species of migratory birds. Despite being closed to most foreigner visitors, North Korea may ironically be the saviour of one of the world's greatest international migration routes - the avian East Asian Australasian Flyway. Fifty million birds, from cranes to song birds, journey along the Flyway twice a year. Eight million of those are shorebirds - or waders. And for many thousands of those, North Korea's west coast - on the Yellow Sea - is their sole stop-off point. June 20;

This heartening news comes on the Full Moon day. A chart for the Moon phase at Pyongyang has it placed exactly on the horizon axis conjunct a recently discovered TNO named Quaoar [1]. Not much is known about this TNO, but the following extract from Nick Fiorenza is an initial assessment which appears to quite appropriate in our present context.

Quaoar would seem to have character supporting a "harmonious revolution"— to help us release and surrender to the natural order of the creative forces governing life and death. in addition, Quaoar would inspire our return to the "sacredness of life"; to realize all things in life are sacred and that it is our responsibility to have respect for natural order and to live in harmony with nature; without this we do not have respect for ourselves.

In addition we notice that the Full Moon is conjunct the TNP Cupido and quincunx the TNP Admetus. The TNP Cupido is about a family or a group of people while Admetus is about alienation or isolation or even rural, lonely or isolated places. Wouldn’t  a country like North Korea qualify to be called an “isolated group”?  Are the birds visiting North Korea because it is cut off  from the activity that we call “modern civilization” elsewhere which has no respect for the "sacredness of life"?

To complete the picture our avian friends show up represented by the stars of Columba, the Dove, conjunct the Sun on the descendant.
