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UK PM calls for snap election

LONDON — Clearly anxious about her thin majority in Parliament before complicated negotiations on the British exit from the European Union, Prime Minister Theresa May on Tuesday called for a snap election for June 8, a vote that her opponents will bill as a verdict on her tough brand of “Brexit.” In breaking her often-repeated vow not to call an early election before 2020, Mrs. May stressed the need for unity in Parliament before undertaking what promises to be complex and tortuous negotiations on Britain’s exit from the bloc, known as Brexit.  April 18

The biggest astrological headline of 2017 is the T-square configuration between Jupiter, Uranus, and Pluto. At the sidereal Aries Ingress , the Sun conjoins Uranus thereby triggering the T which falls very significantly on the angles at London.

Pluto in Capricorn is the calculating politician  (Theresa May) who seeks  to preserve and/or strengthen the grip of the government  using the Uranus in Aries energy  to take a wild and sudden decision for a snap election. Let us also remember that both Sun and Uranus are conjunct stars of King Cepheus, a perfect symbol for a Prime Minister. Here Jupiter is simply magnifying  the Uranus in Aries  gambling or risk taking capacity. 
