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Burgeoning EU-Iran relations signal US adrift

Draco – the fierce dragon

The phalanx of European leaders, ministers, and dignitaries, attending the inauguration of Iranian President Hassan Rouhani last weekend (Aug. 5) was a stunning snub to Washington. It was also a clear signal the US is losing its thrall over Europe. Think about it. According to US President Donald Trump and the American Congress, Iran is the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism. And yet here we saw European leaders respectfully attending the swearing-in of the country’s re-elected president. A rather big contradiction, don’t you think?

Eclipses continue to affect events on earth long after they have gone. Here we present one more example of this. To understand the news we present the chart for the September 1, 2016 solar eclipse at Tehran, Iran.  Notice that the eclipse and its accompanying T-square straddles the horizon and is therefore significant for the place.

The following is a summarized extract from Nick Fiorenza’s post [1] on the September 1, 2016  eclipse entitled New Directions.

Solar eclipses offer opportunity to redefine concepts of self and the roles we play in the world, or how we articulate ourselves in life. They are about shifting octaves in the nature of our self-perception and self-expression, and addressing issues that keep us from doing so. They can invite a new beginning, way of life, or new way of participating in life.

The  eclipse lies in the midst of the stars of Leo and under the auspices of Thuban of Draco and Alioth of the Great Bear. It also conjoins the stars of the Sextant, and Suhail Velorum of Argo Navis in the very southern heavens.

This area  dramatizes  the separation between those choosing to fight for a greater evolutionary vision and those wanting to maintain totalitarian control of the Earth.

Essentially, the eclipse is about personal and global leadership, transcendent evolutionary currents, and the use of personal will to direct our evolutionary course with impetus to reassess changing conditions and to change our tack in life accordingly to reach our desired destinations.

Eclipses can be activated by the progression of the angles or by the transit of planets over the eclipse degree. On August 5, 2017, transit Mercury [9vi] was moving over the eclipse degree just two degrees away from its station at [11vi] on August 11. In addition the Wynn Key Return MC is [9sa] so that  eclipse T-square straddles the progressed meridian.
