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Leo eclipse helps detect cancer

Prometheus stealing fire from gods

Researchers say they have taken a big step towards developing a test that can tell people if they have cancer long before the first symptoms show up. The blood test detected the majority of cancers in people with four of the biggest cancer killers: breast, colon, lung and ovarian cancer, the team at Johns Hopkins University said.  Aug. 17

The news comes to us just before the powerful total solar eclipse in Leo. At Baltimore, where John Hopkins University is located the eclipse is placed very  significantly square the horizon axis. The eclipse is conjunct the star Regulus, alpha Leo, the Lion’s heart.

Leo : Distribution of vital forces and especially through the blood.

The eclipse is trine Uranus and opposite  the asteroids Handley [22aq] and Aesculapia[19aq].  The asteroid Aesculapia is associated with illness. And Martha Wescott links the asteroid Handley (2718)  to cancer [1].  Eclipses provide new beginnings.  The planet Uranus, is best understood archetypally in terms of the Greek mythic figure of Prometheus [2], who stole fire from the heavens in rebellion against the gods to give humankind greater freedom. This act helped humanity to find solutions to a host of problems that afflicted mankind.
