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Hugh Hefner dies at Pluto station

Nude Girl Painting - by Veronique Radelet

The major civilizing force in the world is not religion, it is sex  - Hefner

Hugh Hefner, founder of the international adult magazine Playboy, has died at the age of 91. Playboy Enterprises Inc said he passed away peacefully at home, from natural causes. Hefner began publishing Playboy in his kitchen at home in 1953. It became the largest-selling men's magazine in the world, shifting seven million copies a month at its peak. The silk pyjama-clad mogul became famous for his hedonism, dating and marrying Playboy models. In his later years he threw decadent parties at his luxurious mansions in Chicago and Los Angeles. Hefner's trailblazing magazine helped make nudity respectable in mainstream publications, despite emerging at a time when US states could legally ban contraceptives. Sept.28

Hugh Hefner’s horoscope as provided by Astro-databank [1] is reproduced here. Our immediate attention is drawn to the 10th house Pluto. While career,status and reputation are linked to the 10th house, there is more at stake here. Doing something for the human community, publicly representing some principle or ideal are also 10th house concerns. With Pluto in his 10th house, Hefner public image was distinctly Plutonian.

Pluto governs the instincts and the forces of nature. It represents the underground and underworld in all senses. It is the dark mysterious, taboo and often terrifying reality that lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath social conventions and the veneer of civilization as also beneath the surface of the earth , that is periodically unleashed with destructive and transformative force. It is the Dionysian energy of life which compels, empowers, overwhelms, transforms; it destroys and resurrects.
Truth avoidance is a popular pastime for communities and nations. It requires a courageous man or woman to speak out clearly about popular lies and their costs – and to define a better way that is more honest. The high destiny of such people involves touching society in a Plutonian way: representing some fierce truth  and fighting for its communal realization.

Going further, we notice that Pluto is square Sun in the 8th house, re-emphasizing the theme of sex and taboos and the need to confront them. In addition, we find that the Sun [19ar] is conjunct the asteroid Industria [18ar] square Eros [18cp]. Martha Wescott [2] provides the following definitions:

EROS: Sexuality; reproductive organs; the heart & cardiac system; the history, experience and behavioral repertoire of eroticism; joie de vivre; what “turns you on;” the Will to Live (the “passion” for life.)

INDUSTRIA: Facilitates identification of career and work interests, abilities, and matters.

From the Eros-Industria combination aspecting his Sun-Pluto we can clearly why his career was focused on sexuality as a theme. Pluto is also the 3rd lord in aspect to Saturn also in the 3rd so that it is not at all surprising that his career was involved the publishing Playboy since the 3rd house rules journals, magazines or newspapers.

So finally how is death shown in his chart? Notice that Sun in the 8th house of death has been a receiving a square aspect from transit Pluto in the past few months. On September 28, Pluto has stationed direct [16cp51] square his radix Sun [19ar] and the asteroid Lacrimosa [16li] (death). Stations of outer planets are always critical times and especially when they aspect luminaries that rule life itself. And now comes the strangest part of the analysis. As if to honour the man, the Sabian symbol [3] for Pluto’s station degree describes the man’s work of life!

16-17 deg Capricorn : A Repressed Woman Finds A Psychological Release In Nudism
Under the pressure of religions that have created a sharp and unwholesome division between soul and body, society has produced strict codes of values regarding the play of natural instincts and has glorified them under the name of “decency” and “modesty”. The growing trend towards nudism is awelcome protest against the depressing and neurosis-generating Puritanism of the past – Dane Rudhyar.
