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Japan’s lonely men find virtual love

In a country where over 70% of unmarried men between 18 and 34, and 60% of women, have no relationship with a member of the opposite sex, and where birthrates are among the lowest in the world after Japanese women gave birth to fewer than one million babies in 2016 for the first time since the government began tracking birth rates, Bloomberg reports on an industry that’s profiting off the reluctance of young Japanese men and women to find a human partner. What Bloomberg calls the “virtual love industry” in Japan has blossomed into a multi-million-dollar concern as unmarried men and women increasingly turn to simulated digital offerings for companionship.  Inventors create applications that essentially allow users to build a ‘virtual wife’ or ‘virtual husband’. Sept. 22

In his essay Natal Delineation of the Chart of Japan,  William Stickevers [1] writes:

The birth chart for the nation of Japan is February 11, 1889 at a rectified time of 10:44am local time, in Tokyo. The chart reflects the ideals set forth by the Meiji restoration that was embodied in the Meiji Constitution…. There is a Sun-Neptune square in the chart suggests a great deal of ungrounded idealism in the nation's psychology indicating Japan is susceptible to collective psychic outbreaks such as manias, fads, or extremist ideologies that can infect the nation and its people.

Taking off from Stickevers, I add the following points that will help explain the news:

 In mundane astrology, the first house rules the common people, the country and its inhabitants as a whole. The Sun-Saturn opposition squares the Ascendant. So an attitude of self-denial, self-control and subservience to authority is ingrained in the populace. Moreover, Saturn’s placement in Leo – a sign that is associated with the fulfillment of the heart’s desire, love and pleasure – ensures that duty comes before pleasure.

Also in the first house is Neptune, the planet linked to fantasizing and here by extension living in a “virtual world”. It is conjunct the star eta (η) Taurus, Alcyone, the central or main star and also the largest star of the Pleiades.

The Pleiades gives ambition and endeavor, which gives preferment, honor and glory. Not a good omen with regard to relationships to the opposite sex. [Fixed Stars and Their Interpretation, Elsbeth Ebertin, 1928, p.26.]

Finally we look at Japan’s diurnal chart for September 22, 2017, the date of the news.

What is a diurnal chart?
A Diurnal is a figure of the transits for a particular day but since it is based on the natal birth time, it can be used as a personal daily horoscope and is rather like a daily return. This daily figure shows the natal potential that is brought to the foreground for this one day. To calculate the Diurnal, use exactly the same data as for the birth chart, except change the date to the date in question. 

Here we have a Mars-Venus conjunction on the MC opposite Neptune on the IC. Ebertin gives the following interpretation for the combination:

Venus-Mars-Neptune: Pathological or abnormal craving in sex-relationship, the negation of the love urge, the inclination to perversity. Disappointment in sex-relationship.
