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Puerto Rican Dam Fails

A failing dam is causing an "extremely dangerous" situation in the US territory of Puerto Rico, the US National Weather Service said Friday. The Guajataca Dam in the northwestern Puerto Rico failed at 2:10 p.m. local time (on September 22, 2017), spurring the National Weather Service to announce a flash flood emergency. The dam failure comes in the aftermath of Hurricane Maria, which has caused flooding and devastation across the island.

Classical mundane astrology has a  rich history, and we modern astrologers would be wise to integrate more of its lessons.  One of the tools used by mundane astrologers is the cardinal ingress chart of the Sun.  The word ingress comes from the Latin ingressus, to 'go in' or 'enter'.

The dam at Guajataca Lake experienced a dam failure hazard on September 22, 2017 just as the Sun entered tropical Libra. A chart for the ingress at the location of the Guajataca Dam is presented here. As always planetary configurations anchored to the angles are the ones that should draw our attention first. Here we have the TNP Admetus on the IC in hard aspect to Pluto and TNP Zeus. Among other things, Martha Wescott links the TNP Admetus with raw materials like stone as well as with “storage and inventory” [1]. Further in her book, The Orders of Light , she delineates Admetus-Pluto as below:

Admetus-Pluto: to come to recognize what can no longer be endured – and to deal with the accrued consequences of having pushed the self too far; to see things reach critical mass – in other words although one has been able to stand up under increasing pressure, the burden finally becomes too great and there must be some relief/ release.

The “relief or release” for the dam came with the fast moving transit Sun forming a trine aspect with Admetus on Sept. 22.

According to the news report the dam failed at 2:10 pm on Sept. 22. A chart for the event has  the Ascendant conjunct Pluto which is in hard aspect to Admetus confirming our analysis of the configuration’s role in the dam failure!
