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Uncle Sam vs. Russia in Eastern Syria

Vulpecula et Anser; the Fox and the Goose

The impending collapse of ISIS has touched off a race for territory in the oil-rich eastern part of Syria pitting US-backed forces against the Russian-led coalition of Syria, Iran and Hezbollah. This is the nightmare scenario that everyone wanted to avoid. Washington and Moscow’s armies are now converging on the same area at the same time greatly increasing the probability of a conflagration between the two nuclear-armed superpowers. The only way a clash can be avoided is if one party backs down, which seems increasingly unlikely.

The situation in Syria is reaching another critical point. Russian drone surveillance operation [1]  conducted over the entire Deir ez-Zor region—has shockingly revealed US Special Operations troops embedded, aiding and fighting with ISIS terrorists. There is an increased possibility of a large scale clash between U.S. and Russian forces over control of the rich fields east of Deir Ezzor. The U.S. wants to keep Syrian government forces away from the oil fields north of the Euphrates. It has  secret plans to build and control a Kurdish proto-state in north-east Syria and control over the eastern Deir Ezzor oil would give such a state the necessary economic base.

The traditional method of examining a relationship is to compare the aspects of planets in one horoscope with those in another. Going a step further, the progressed positions of one chart can be compared with the radix of the other to understand how two horoscopes are interacting  during a particular period.  Currently Russia’s [2] progressed Sun [29cp] is conjunct Sibly [3] Pluto [28cp] and square Sibly Hades [0sc].(Recall that the final degree of the Jupiter/Uranus opposition occurs in an exact square to the position of Pluto in the USA Sibly .)

Hades-Pluto: Secret plans to manipulate or control the resources of another; to see changes that are not for better but that bring a decline; decline through compulsive-obsessive behavior.

The meaning of the stars that form the backdrop to Sibly Pluto is  explained by Nick Fiorenza in the extract below:

Albireo, Beta Cygnus, beak of the swan; Sham, Alpha Sagitta, the missile of Zeus; and Altair, Alpha Aquila, eye of the eagle. Adding to the backdrop are the stellar qualities of  Anser, Alpha Vulpecula, the fox; and Algedi, Alpha Capricorn.

Altair, eye of the eagle, is also the administrative seat for the "Earth-based Eagle Command," which can include military sites; it is of assertive authoritarian militaristic leadership. In classical astrology, Altair is of military force and power. Sagitta, the Missile of Zeus, extends over the first decan of sidereal Capricorn. Sagitta embodies our strategic arsenal of tools for war --this includes our personal tools and strategies to accomplish our goals in the material world--the application of our personal power in the world.

 Algedi is  of secret  military outposts for covert operations, manipulative maneuvers, and all that is secret or hidden behind the scenes.

Vulpecula cum Ansere sums up the entire first half of sidereal Capricorn. Lying directly over the missile of Zeus, Sagitta, Vulpecula amalgamates the Albireo theme with that of Sagitta, with that of Algedi, and with that of neighboring Aquila as our war machine--all revealing the nature of the tools of war. The Fox is indicative of the  sly, cunning, covert maneuvers used to get the goose, and, as is most often the case, disguised to be something other than what it truly is.

The foregoing extract does not really need any commentary. Readers can see that Algedi, Altair and Sagitta refer to the covert US military operations in Syria while Vulpeculca symbolizes the real intention to get the “goose”  - the Syrian oil fields.

[2] Russia; December 25, 1991; 5:20 pm UT; Moscow

[3] Sibly; July 4, 1776; 5:10 pm LMT; Philadelphia
