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Widow wins $4 billion in damages from JPMorgan

A Dallas jury ordered JPMorgan Chase to pay more than $4 billion in damages for mishandling the estate of a former American Airlines executive. Jo Hopper and two stepchildren won a probate court verdict over claims that JPMorgan mismanaged the administration of the estate of Max Hopper, who was described as an airline technology innovator by the family’s law firm. The bank, which was hired by the family in 2010 to independently administer the estate of Hopper, was found in breach of its fiduciary duties and contract. In total, JP Morgan Chase was ordered to pay at least $4 billion in punitive damages, approximately $4.7 million in actual damages, and $5 million in attorney fees. The six-person jury, which deliberated a little more than four hours starting Monday night and returned its verdict at approximately 12:15 a.m. Tuesday, found that the bank committed fraud, breached its fiduciary duty and broke a fee agreement, according to court papers.

A chart for the current New Moon drawn for Dallas, Texas can help explain the news. The New Moon is placed in the 4th house [1] square Saturn, the lord of the 8th [2]. A 4th-8th connection refers to the property of a dead person. As always we look to planets and planetary configurations brought to the angles. The Mercury-Mars-Neptune combination aligned with the meridian can refer to fraud or deception carried out by agents (Mercury) who work on our behalf. Mercury’s aspect to Jupiter can  further delimit the nature of the agents – they are advisers, attorneys or lawyers. Jupiter’s aspect to Neptune can also refer to confidence undermined by a deception or misplaced trust. So where does Uranus fit into this mix?  Here Uranus in Aries refers to the “technology innovator” whose estate was mismanaged by JPMorgan. And let us remember that Jupiter-Uranus often indicates a stroke of luck or a breakthrough.

At this point, we now look at the stars that form the backdrop to the New Moon. About these stars Nick Fiorenza writing in his monthly Lunar Planner says:

Our Benetnash-Javijava New Moon and this lunar cycle impels us to find our own solutions and fulfillment rather than acquiescing to the big-business-political paradigm to provide them. It requires movement from blindly following authoritarian leaders or self-proclaimed gurus we once were expecting to safely lead us.

According to the news report, the jury returned its verdict at approximately 12:15 a.m. Tuesday, September 26. A chart for the event  has Mercury-Mars-Neptune aligned with the meridian repeating the New Moon configuration and confirming its role in the case. In addition, transit Moon [12sa] squares the Mars-Neptune axis. And strangely the Sabian symbol for the Moon is A WIDOW!
