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Jupiter in Scorpio: Assyrian Cuneiform Tablets discovered

Excavations led by a University of Tübingen archaeologist at the site of a recently-discovered Bronze Age settlement in the Kurdistan region of Iraq have uncovered almost 100 clay tablets dating back to the period of the Middle Assyrian Empire (1250 BC). The cache of clay tablets was found at the archaeological site of the ancient city of Bassetki, which was discovered in 2013 by University of Tübingen Professor Peter Pfälzner and colleagues. “Our philologist, Dr. Betina Faist, deciphered one small fragment of a clay tablet. It mentions a temple to the goddess Gula, suggesting that we may be looking at a religious context.”  Oct.23

Metaphors of mystery – and of mysteries unveiled – abound in the historical correlations we find during Jupiter in Scorpio times. Always, in any kind of Scorpionic time, the bottom line is that the unconscious mind is becoming conscious. That which is hidden is brought to the surface. The discovery of clay tablets at the archaeological site of the ancient city of Bassetki is, therefore, one manifestation of Jupiter in Scorpio.

Shown here is a chart for Jupiter’s ingress into Scorpio drawn for the co-ordinates of Bassetki.  Here Jupiter is placed in the 8th house in hard aspect to the Ascendant which is conjunct the stars of the Water Bearer. In ancient Mesopotamia, this was the constellation of the healing goddess Gula!
