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Mogadishu truck bomb kills 20

“If you bring forth what is within you, what you bring forth will save you. If you do not bring forth what is within you, what you do not bring forth will destroy you.” ― Gospel of Thomas

A huge explosion from a truck bomb has killed at least 20 people in Somalia’s capital Mogadishu, as shaken residents called it the most powerful blast they had heard in years. The explosion appeared to target a hotel on a busy road in Hodan district and the death toll could rise, police Capt. Mohamed Hussein said. Security forces had been trailing the truck after it raised suspicions, he said. Oct 14

In mundane astrology, the entry of a planet into a new sign is considered an important event. Steven Forrest explains the meaning of Jupiter’s recent entry into Scorpio.

When Jupiter, the reigning heavyweight champion of the solar system, enters a new sign, stand back – the “gravity” of the symbolism is going to pull a lot of events into its synchronistic orbit. Jupiter crossing such a line is the main event this month, as it enters Scorpio. Jupiter takes about twelve years to orbit the Sun, spending an average of one year in each sign. It entered Libra on September 9, 2016. Jupiter’s principle effect is to expand anything it touches. It symbolizes abundance – hence, its historical reputation as the “Greater Benefic.” But before we leap into paroxysms of ecstasy here, let’s reflect on exactly what Lord Jupiter is going to be expanding. Scorpio embraces all of the “strong energies” in the human psyche – instincts, mammal reflexes, appetites, rage, fear, the wounded places in us all. Jupiter entering Scorpio is a complex event, with potentially high, positive meanings, along with darker ones. Everything in the human unconscious is lit up. As individuals, we will respond to this stimulus well or poorly. But collectively on the stage of history, we will probably see the expression of the full spectrum of possibilities. In all cases, the presence of the unconscious mind (Scorpio) will be vividly, even spectacularly, demonstrated (Jupiter). When Jupiter-in-Scorpio operates unconsciously, the dark and tangled complexes that animate human madness find extravagant outward expression, both individually and collectively. We see our fears crystalized and expressed on the stage of history or the stages of our individual lives. Nightmarish massacres such as the Rwandan genocide of 1994 occur with Jupiter in Scorpio.

Since Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio is a worldwide event, to understand what energies it may be lighting up at a particular place we need to draw the event chart for that place. Shown here is the chart for Somalia’s capital Mogadishu. Notice the powerful Mars-Saturn square aligned with the angles.  

In his October forecast, Richard Nolle wrote:

Like any other strong Mars aspect, the October 6-17 Mars-Saturn square significantly ups the "fires, crashes, clashes and explosions" factor in human experience. People acting rashly, out of haste and anger: not a safe situation.
 OCT 11, 2017 Mars-Saturn Square Look out for the usual Mars manifestations during this period: a rise in recklessness, anger, conflict, and violence both personal and social. You’ll see it in the headlines: murder, mass murder (school and workplace shootings); riots, terror attacks and military provocations. Yes, these things happen all the time. They just come thicker and faster when the Red Planet is configured with the Ringed One. Slow down, stay alert, be safe.

So there we have it. Jupiter’s entry into Scorpio has expanded the Mars-Saturn energy at Mogadishu. But let’s go a step further and examine how this event illustrates a deeper astrological principle.
Astrologers often notice two different charts highlighting the same event. As in an orchestra, symphonic band or other musical ensemble all the members play in complete harmony with what the conductor wants. So too the planets seem to work in perfect unison  to produce events on earth that a Great Conductor appears to want.

Let us go back to the now forgotten February 26, 2017 Annular Solar Eclipse. It fell on the descendant   at Mogadishu implying that it was significant for the place.  For its position at 8 Pisces, Diana Rosenberg writes “brutal attacks, expressions of race and religious prejudice”. The eclipse forms hard aspects to a Mars-Uranus-Jupiter-Pluto T-square, a combination that is explosive in nature and  capable of  producing violent events.

If now we progress the eclipse chart to October 14, the date of the news, the T-square aligns with the meridian triggering the event. 
