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Mysterious events at a Prestbury grave

In a pretty Cotswold village, a mystery has been puzzling residents for decades. Following the death of local Boy Scout Karl Smith in 1947, mysterious gifts and messages began appearing on his grave in Prestbury. Despite his sister Ann Kear's best efforts, the identity of the visitor has never been revealed. Journalist Camila Ruz joins Ann on her quest to track down the stranger who has been visiting her brother's grave for up to 70 years.  Dec.10

A chart for the December Full Moon at Prestbury is exactly aligned with the horizon and also square Neptune. Neptune has domain over “entities in the invisible dimensions: fairies and leprechauns, nature spirits and ghosts of the departed, spirits that have never been incarnate, angels and archangels” [1]. Neptune [11pi] is conjunct stars in the Waters of  Aquarius which in ancient China was Hiu-Liang related to cemeteries and burial places.  Resonating with the same theme are the stars of Praesepe on the IC. In China this was part of the asterism Koui, The Spirits of the Souls of the Deceased.

Regular readers would by now be clear that significant events take place when the stars related to a mundane event (like the Full Moon here) resonate in theme with stars on the angles at that place.
