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Baia: Ancient Rome's 'sin city'

Venus and Mars - Sandro Botticelli

Baia was the Las Vegas of the Roman Empire - the place where the rich and powerful came to carry out their illicit affairs. Rome's ultra-wealthy took weekend trips here to party. Powerful statesmen built luxurious villas on its beach, with heated spas and mosaic-tiled pools where they could indulge their wildest desires. One resident even commissioned a nymphaeum - a private grotto surrounded by marble statues, dedicated solely to 'earthly pleasure'. More than 2,000 years ago, Baia was the Las Vegas of the Roman Empire - a resort town approximately 30km from Naples on Italy's caldera-peppered west coast that catered to the whims of poets, generals and everyone in between. The great orator Cicero composed speeches from his retreat by the bay, while the poet Virgil and the naturalist Pliny maintained residences within easy reach of the rejuvenating public baths. It was also the place where the rich and powerful came to carry out their illicit affairs. Jan 5

Events in the news do not occur randomly. An article on Baia – an ancient ‘sin-city’ –  is published in  London on Jan.5, the day transit Sun conjoins Pluto’s station direct position [16cp] of Sept. 28, 2017. Pluto rules our primal desires usually buried under layers of socially civilized or cultured behavior. Psychology teaches us that the way to correct an issue that has been buried in the unconscious is to project it, thus externalizing it. It is often the only way individuals and societies can consciously grapple with a huge internal issue, and it appears to emerge coincidentally with an event or external experience.

A chart for Pluto station direct on Sept. 28, 2017 drawn for London is shown here.  The Sabian symbol for Pluto [16cp51] is:

Phase 286: A repressed woman finds a psychological release in nudism.
Keynote: The escape from bondage to social inhibitions and a reliance upon the wisdom of the body.
Under the pressure of religions that have created a sharp and unwholesome divide between soul and body, society has produced strict codes of values regarding the play of natural instincts and has glorified them under the name of “decency” and “modesty”. The symbol represents a welcome protest against the depressing and neurosis-generating puritanism of the past. – Dane Rudhyar

However, the Pluto station degree is a world-wide event. Why is it so significant for London? Well notice that the chart carries a Venus-Mars conjunction in the mundane 5th  trine Pluto. The 5th house rules “sexual issues and promiscuity” as well as “places of enjoyment and recreation”[1].
Moreover, the Venus-Mars conjunction (a combination related to sexual affairs) is placed in the Indian lunar mansion Purva Phalguni linked to “sensual self-indulgence and amorous pleasures”[2].

Finally, if we now progress the chart to Jan.5, the date of the news, the progressed horizon aligns with the Venus-Mars conjunction triggering the news. 

[2] Secrets of the Ancient Skies; Diana K. Rosenberg (v.1, p.618-19)
