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Black Death 'spread by humans not rats'

Black Death

Rats were not to blame for the spread of plague during the Black Death, according to a study. The rodents and their fleas were thought to have spread a series of outbreaks in 14th-19th Century Europe. But a team from the universities of Oslo and Ferrara now says the first, the Black Death, can be "largely ascribed to human fleas and body lice". The study, in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Science, uses records of its pattern and scale. The Black Death claimed an estimated 25 million lives, more than a third of Europe's population, between 1347 and 1351. Jan.15

With the publication of the Oslo study, suddenly a long held belief has collapsed. If we draw the chart for the sidereal Capricorn Ingress at Oslo, we can explain why. Notice the Sun-Pluto-Venus conjunction forming a T-square with the meridian and Uranus on the IC. Ebertin links Uranus-Pluto with the “collapse of an old order”. Venus is the lord of the 6th house which rules “national vulnerability to epidemics and widespread diseases” [1] so that the paradigm collapse is with reference to epidemics. But the chart holds more surprises. Firstly, Uranus [24ar] is at the same position that it occupied in 1349 at the outbreak of the plague. And secondly for stars on the Ascendant [10sa], Diana Rosenberg notes: “Keynote events in human history…epidemics and mass deaths” and writes:

Neptune was here at the Sept. 164 CE Sol.Ecl with a path of totality through Mediterranean lands: Roman troops returning from Mesopotamia brought disease with them: the Plague of Galen caused heavy mortality throughout the Roman Empire, contributing to its downfall; Jupiter in 1918 at the start of the most virulent wave of the influenza pandemic that killed about 30 million worldwide; Neptune in 1976 when the first known case of the Ebola virus arrived at a hospital in Zaire, the disease spread rapidly with an 88% mortality rate  and many others.

And finally we note that Uranus is in pioneering Aries and also amid stars of  Eridanus, the Celestial River of Time so that  Diana Rosenberg links this area with explorers who “probe ancient myths and return with lore that enlightens the present”.
