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The death of Bollywood star Sridevi

"When beggars die there are no comets seen; The heavens themselves blaze forth the death of princes."
Julius Caesar (II, ii, 30-31)

Bollywood superstar Sridevi Kapoor has died of a heart attack, her family says. She was 54.The actress known simply as Sridevi passed away in Dubai, where she was attending a family wedding. From the age of four, she had worked in films in the Tamil, Telugu, Malaylam, Kannada and Hindi languages. She was considered one of the very few Indian female superstars capable of huge box office success without the support of a male hero. Feb.25

Eclipses often mark endings of important or famous personalities. An accurately timed horoscope of Sridevi, provided at reference [1], is reproduced here. Notice that the lunar eclipse of Jan.31, 2018 fell almost exactly on the horizon axis activating the Ascendant and the radix Sun-Saturn opposition aligned with it. The Sun is conjunct Venus in Leo on the Ascendant. Leo is a sign very common in the horoscopes of celebrities and stage actors. Both Sun and Venus form a T-square with Saturn and Neptune. Saturn to Neptune is a combination that often gives careers connected to movies, music or photography.

The First Quarter Moon of Feb.23 [5ge], activated her radix Uranus [4vi]-Valentine[6vi] square Lacrimosa [6ge].  Martha Wescott provides the following definitions for the asteroids Valentine and Lacrimosa. When we combine these with Uranus – the planet linked to sudden events – we can see why a sudden cardiac arrest caused Sridevi’s demise.

EROS (also VALENTINE): Sexuality; reproductive organs; the heart & cardiac system; the history, experience and behavioral repertoire of eroticism; joie de vivre; what “turns you on;” the Will to Live (the “passion” for life.)

ORPHEUS (also LACRIMOSA): Sad, sweet or haunting music, lyrics or poetry; dirges; sense of mourning and loss; grief (for what you don't have—what has gone out of your life--  “might have been” or what was); contact with death.


PS: It is reported that Sridevi died at 11 pm Dubai Time on Saturday, Feb.24. A chart for the moment has the lunar eclipse degree [12le] and the Node [14le] aligned with the meridian confirming the role of the lunar eclipse in her death.
