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Illegals Scale US Border Fence

Scores of migrants gathered at the U.S. border began scaling the San Diego "wall" while shouting "Gracias, México!" presumably to thank the Mexican government for allowing them to travel from Central America to the U.S. border in the hopes of obtaining asylum from the Trump administration. Apr.29

In his blogpost on the current lunar month entitled “Breaking Free,” Nick Fiorenza writes:

This April 16, 2018 UT (Apr 15 MST) New Moon occurs just across the cusp of sidereal Aries nesting between Eris and Uranus. Pisces is the constellation of the two fishes. One fish swims westward, horizontally along the ecliptic plane. The westward swimming fish articulates our primordial autonomic (sleeping) nature, and our unconsciously reactive participation in the cycle of mortal life. It is of our inherited genealogies that we are born into and the behavioral patterns they express.
The eastern fish leaps upward, vertically from the ecliptic plane, seeking a greater freedom at the shores of sidereal Aries. The eastern fish articulates our desire and capacity to ascend from our inherited past and its ideologies, and our effort to awaken from submersion in the tumultuous psychic emotional human world articulated by southern Cetus.

The title of the essay “Breaking Free” aptly sums up what the migrants are doing –  crossing the border to break free from an inherited past in Latin American countries, seeking a better future in the US.

At Tijuana, Mexico where the migrants are  breaching the wall, the New Moon falls on the descendant and pulls together the now fading Uranus-Pluto square.  Uranus-Pluto is linked to collapses and with Pluto in Capricorn , this is one more example of the collapse of authority, walls and borders.

On the MC is the star Procyon, alpha (α Canis Minor)  known to the Mesopotamians as 'The Star of the Crossing of the Water - Dog'.  Among other things, the name may suggest a migration. About this star,  Elsbeth Ebertin writes that it appears to rule people who "want to go through the wall with their head".  While this was probably intended to be metaphorical, here we have a situation where the Latin American migrants are literally breaking through the walls.

And finally, Mars which is conjunct Pluto on the IC, makes a hard aspect to the TNP Admetus placed in a Chinese asterism whose name translates to “The Announcer of the Invasion at the Border”. When this asterism was highlighted, the troops were alerted to stop barbarian hordes.
