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The US is Fading Into Irrelevance

Chaos reigns in the United States, spreading to its closest allies. The war amongst Western elites is in full swing, manifesting itself from commercial wars to failed diplomacy, empty threats of war, corruption, and announced military withdrawals and attacks.

According to America’s traditional ideology, no negotiations are to be entered into with geopolitical opponents and peer competitors, for the simple reason that Washington is not willing to negotiate or make any concession on any matter; the only way it knows how to engage in international relations is to impose its will by any means possible.

How has the US succeeded in fading into irrelevance?  In this blogpost we shall see how the US national chart – the Sibly contains a hint but first I quote Bill Herbst:

Freedom has been perverted in this country, to the point where freedom now means social irresponsibility — permission without any moral or ethical sanction to do whatever the hell one wants, regardless of the consequences to others, to the nation, and to the world. Freedom appears to have become a license to steal, loot, and pillage for personal gain. What I’m referring to is the rise of greed — the insatiable desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially through money, status, or power.

What I’m referring to is the rise of greed — the insatiable desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially through money, status, or power. FDR’s “freedom from want” now seems to be interpreted as freedom to pursue material wealth for oneself at any cost and by any means necessary. Like all the major paradoxes inherent in human nature, desire for personal gain through monetary
wealth is naturally and necessarily juxtaposed against a contradictory demand, namely, a sense of at least some personal responsibility to enhance the greater social good through common and shared well-being for all.

The Sibly has the Sun placed in the 8th along with Venus and Jupiter. The 8th house is often linked to “joint resources” or the energy produced through partnerships. It has been related to taxes or what we owe society. Now imagine that if greed prevails we can try to corner the joint resources for ourselves without any regard for others who helped to produce it. This then is the  illness that the US is now suffering from according to Bill Herbst.

With the Sibly going through a Pluto return in Capricorn after its transit opposite the Sun in the 8th , the consequences of the greed are now apparent. The entire edifice built on greed is now collapsing. The US as a nation must remake itself or simply die. No amount of window dressing can retrieve the situation.

As the news commentary above states America is not willing to negotiate with its geopolitical opponents, it must impose its will by any means possible. This incidentally is the most negative expression of the Sun – tyrannical behavior, forcing one’s  opinion on others. Obviously this is a recipe for disaster in the 8th house where compromise or the death of the ego is required.
