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Kenya's Patel dam bursts

The flood situation continues in Kenya, with more deaths reported after a dam broke its banks killing at least 38 people. The Patel Dam in Solai, Subukia Sub-County, Nakuru County, broke its banks at around 21:00 on Wednesday 09 May, 2018. In a statement made soon after the dam break Governor Lee Kinyanjui said, "The water has caused huge destruction of both life and property. The extent of the damage is yet to be ascertained.

Charts for the phases of the Moon are among the most reliable indicators of events on earth. This is especially so at places where significant planetary combinations occupy the angles.  A chart for the Last Quarter Moon of May 8 at Solai has a powerful square on the angles. Ebertin links Uranus-Pluto with all kinds of collapses and breakthroughs. Mars with Pluto on the MC and Mercury with Uranus on the Ascendant are aiding the Uranus-Pluto combination. Here Mercury [22ar] is conjunct the star Acamar [23ar] while the Ascendant aligns with Al Pherg [26ar]. Acamar is a dam in Eridanus, the celestial River of Life.   About these stars Nick Fiorenza writes:

Al Pherg [26ar] of Pisces, Beta Fornax of the Furnace, and Acamar of Eridanus mark the cusp of sidereal Pisces-Aries. Acamar [23ar] enters the last couple degrees of sidereal Pisces. Al Pherg lies along the cord that ties the eastern upright fish of Pisces to the western fish of earlier Pisces, entering just across the cusp into sidereal Aries. Acamar, Theta 1,2 of ERIDANUS, is a primary stop or stoppage along the long and winding river of Life. Acamar is the dam, and indicates that emergence from the belly of Cetus (the technobureaucratic monster of collective human consciousness) requires a breakthrough that will lead us from the foul digestive juices of Cetus and into a greater freedom of being.

So what has collapsed (Uranus-Pluto) is a dam (Acamar)! But let us remember that this has far greater symbolic meaning. A study of the political news from Kenya may reveal in what way some other symbolic “dam” is being removed.
