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Why Trump Is Ending the American Era

Siwa’s  Tandava– Dance of Destruction

There are good reasons for any good progressive to bemoan the presence of the childish, racist, sexist and ecocidal, right-wing plutocrat Donald Trump in the White House. One complaint about Trump that should be held at arm’s-length by anyone on the left, however, is the charge that Trump is contributing to the decline of U.S. global power - to the erosion of the United States’ superpower status and the emergence of a more multipolar world. This criticism of Trump comes from different elite corners. Last October, the leading neoconservative foreign policy intellectual and former George W. Bush administration adviser Eliot Cohen wrote an Atlantic magazine essay titled “How Trump Is Ending the American Era.” Cohen recounted numerous ways in which Trump had reduced “America’s standing and ability to influence global affairs.” He worried that Trump’s presidency would leave “America’s position in the world stunted” and an “America lacking confidence” on the global stage. But it isn’t just the right wing that writes and speaks in such terms about how Trump is contributing to the decline of U.S. hegemony. A recent Time magazine reflection by the liberal commentator Karl Vick (who wrote in strongly supportive terms about the giant January 2017 Women’s March against Trump) frets that that Trump’s “America First” and authoritarian views have the world “looking for leadership elsewhere.”

Astrological progressions are one of the main means used in Horoscopic astrology to forecast future trends and developments (the other means is transits, which are simply the ongoing movements of the planets across the sky). Progressions are ways of symbolically advancing the chart forward in time using any one of a number of different formulas. Secondary progressions, for example, generally move the chart forward in time one day for every year of a person’s life. Converse charts use progressions that go backwards in time rather than forwards [1].

The Synastry Chart is the combination of two individuals birth (or natal) charts overlayed on one another to give insight into the dynamics of their relationship. More information about the interaction between the individuals  can be obtained for a given period by comparing how the progressed angles and planets of one person interact with the radix of the other. Of these, the most important is always the aspects formed by the progressed Sun.

In the table below we look at Trump’s converse solar progression as it affects the US national chart – the Sibly.


Dynamic Chart
 Donald Trump - Natal Chart
 14 Jun 1946, 10:54 am, EDT +4:00
 Jamaica NY, 40°N41'29'', 073°W48'22''
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

Radix Positions Chart :
 Sibly - Natal Chart
 4 Jul 1776 NS, 5:10 pm, LMT +5:00:39
 Philadelphia Pennsylvania, 39°N57'08'', 075°W09'51''
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns planets

P1 (H)      Asp          P2 (H)      EXL          Type        Date        Time        Zone        Age          Pos1        Pos2        Ch1          Ch2         

Sun  Opp   Sat   cSa-Na  12 Nov 2016    14°Ar48' D   14°Li48' D  Donald Trump  Sibly
Sun   Sqr   Sun  cSa-Na  16 May 2018    13°Ar19' D13°Cn19' D   Donald Trump   Sibly

*** END REPORT ***

This table is essentially saying that Trump’s converse Sun is currently activating the Sibly Sun. The dynamics of this activation are better understood if we look at the asteroids that conjoin the Sibly Sun [2].  These are Siwa [10cn40] and Psyche [14cn51].

In her book “Mechanics of the Future: Asteroids,” Martha Wescott explains the nature of Siwa and Psyche and delineates the meaning of the combination.

Lord Siwa, one of the Hindu mythic Trinity is the Destroyer and Transformer. The asteroid Siwa brings experiences  to “transform” the body. It represents the disintegration and liberation of matter into new form. It seeks to overcome the stagnation by breaking down or through limitations and resistance to bring the victory of life – and renewal – through and/or over death. In Siwa, we see Plutonian echoes – that destruction or cathartic process of dismantling rigid or fixed attitudes and demands – often in ways that are perceived as painful.

Psyche represents a point of damage; it indicates a psychological wound or trauma from which one has/does not really recover.

Psyche-Siwa:  Destruction of the emotional system; emotional “breakdown” (followed by breakthroughs and new freedom to act apart from the dictates of the old pain/ memories/ expectations). (with the Sun…the destructuring process brings about a radical change in pride, ego identification and personality.)

Let us also recall that in the last few years, Pluto has been transiting opposite the Sibly Sun. Pluto in astrology acts as a force for creative destruction. This term, creative destruction, was coined by the Viennese economist, Joseph Schumpeter. Schumpeter described creative destruction as, a “process of…mutation that incessantly revolutionizes the….structure from within, incessantly destroying the old one, and incessantly creating a new one.” This type of opposition from Pluto to the USA chart has never happened before and it should bring on some severe crises. Under this opposition  this whole American experiment can collapse and die. And that can happen with the oppositions and conjunctions of Pluto. A transiting Pluto conjunct the Soviet Union’s natal Sun caused the Soviet Union to collapse and die. A transiting Pluto opposition destroyed the Nazis; Pluto displayed an aspect of nemesis that the Nazi’s never survived.

So let us not blame Trump. He is simply the agent chosen for this change!



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