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Hikikomori: Japan’s lost generation

In Japan, hikikomori (lit. "pulling inward, being confined", i.e., "acute social withdrawal"; colloquially/adaptive translation: shutter) are reclusive adolescents or adults who withdraw from social life, often seeking extreme degrees of isolation and confinement. Hikikomori refers to both the phenomenon in general and the recluses themselves. Hikikomori have been described as loners or "modern-day hermits". Estimates suggest that nearly half a million Japanese youth have become social recluses. According to Michael Zielenziger's book, Shutting Out the Sun: How Japan Created Its Own Lost Generation, the syndrome is more closely related to posttraumatic stress disorder. The author claimed that the hikikomori interviewed for the book had discovered independent thinking and a sense of self that the current Japanese environment could not accommodate.

The problem termed “hikikomori” can actually be seen in Japan’s national chart (Jan. 3, 1947;  0:00 hrs, Tokyo).  Notice that Mercury (which rules young people) is conjunct the TNPs Hades-Admetus. Keywords for the TNPs are:

Hades:  emotional depression; deterioration.
Admetus: avoidance and shunning the company of others; isolation.

Putting the two together, we can see why the younger generation (Mercury) facing depressions (Hades)  is isolating (Admetus) itself.

The stars which form the backdrop to the combination explain the reason behind this. This is an area where sidereal Pisces ends and Aries begins. Simply put this is where the battle between the old and the new is being fought. Nick Fiorenza describes this area in the following words:

Pisces is the constellation of the two fishes. One fish swims westward, horizontally along the ecliptic plane. The westward swimming fish articulates our primordial autonomic (sleeping) nature, and our unconsciously reactive participation in the cycle of mortal life (in other words going along with mass consensus). It is of our inherited genealogies that we are born into and the behavioral patterns they express. The eastern fish leaps upward, vertically from the ecliptic plane, seeking a greater freedom at the shores of sidereal Aries. The eastern fish articulates our desire and capacity to ascend from our inherited past and its ideologies, and our effort to awaken from submersion in the tumultuous psychic emotional human world articulated by southern Cetus.

More specifically, Admetus [19ar] is conjunct the star Baten Kaitos [21ar].

Baten Kaitos, a star in the belly of the sea monster Cetus, has been linked  with “isolation and depression”.
