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Imran Khan Set To Be PM of Pakistan

The official results of the Pakistan general elections have given victory to cricketer-turned-politician Imran Khan's party Tehreek-e-Insaf or PTI, according to reports. Mr Khan will, however, need to stitch an alliance to form a coalition government. Results released by the Election Commission of Pakistan today showed PTI had won 115 seats. The National Assembly has 272 seats in total and the halfway mark is 137 for a simple majority.

To understand the news from Pakistan we begin by looking at Pakistan’s national chart. Notice that the July 13 solar eclipse has occurred conjunct the 10th house Moon [18cn]. A 10th house Moon describes a leader who is popular and in touch with the needs of the masses.

Eclipses are about endings and new beginnings and the 10th house in a nation’s chart rules its leadership. With transit Pluto opposite the radix Moon, the eclipse has triggered the Pluto archetype.
As an archetype, Pluto represents the deep evolutionary forces that work through our collective psyche. Anything that’s no longer useful or doesn’t work anymore, is broken down so it can be renewed. And if the old refuses to die, Pluto will come along and do the deed to make way for the new. It dredges the unconscious and brings up anything past its time. Corrupted or degenerate systems and complexes are brought into the light so life can be renewed. Pluto in Capricorn brings to light corrupt structures and abuses of power – collectively and individually. The eclipse ensures that a new beginning is made.

Now let us turn our attention to Imran Khan’s natal chart. He has a Sun-Saturn conjunction square Uranus. Uranus [18cn] is at the same degree as the Moon [18] in Pakistan’s chart. Pluto transit [19cp] completes a T with his radix square.  The reference below explains how Pluto transits to Saturn can empower a person.

Pluto is the adverb of the horoscope – it empowers whatever it touches, adding extreme range of depth and height in expression. Saturn represents ambition, effort, and accomplishments that require time to achieve. This transit carries potential for extreme empowerment of ambition.
