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Solar eclipse breaks up stagnant relationships

The Rape of Persephone, Sebastiano Galeotti

Solar Eclipses are always a time of change. Think of them like a powerful New Moon that can bring fresh opportunities and wake up areas of your life that have felt stagnant or old.  The solar eclipse of July 13 is opposite Pluto and semi-square Venus. 

Pluto rules upheaval, breakdown and decay, but also regeneration and the purifying fire of catharsis. It reflects the archetypal Underworld--the dark, mysterious, and often terrifying reality which lurks beneath the surface of things, beneath our ego and societal conventions and the veneer of civilization, and which is periodically unleashed with great destructive and transformative force. Pent-up energies erupt like a volcano from the depths of our soul.  . In aspect to Venus it  brings changes in relationships that we are forced to accommodate. Power struggles in one's personal  life can lead to a breakdown of relationship or a profound transformation.

Martha Wescott [1] describes the energy of the eclipse using the following mid-points which essentially echo what we have said above:

20 Li 19: Node/Saturn: There can be difficulties or separations in relationship; how relationships are related to ambitions can be shown.

21 Cp 10: Mars/Saturn: Arguments can lead to alienation or separation; use caution in the presence of anger; be mindful of your use of time and energy; note that there are consequences for and judgments of anger or self-serving behaviors.

21 Ca 43: Node/Hades: To hear of vulgar connections; to realize that what were close connections have deteriorated; to discover secrets about people you thought you knew well. There may be some getting together with someone from your past.

[1] 20 Cancer Solar Eclipse: July 13, 2018

P.S. The Rape of Persephone is  a well known Greek myth.  Persephone represents Venus in her  most superficial or innocent form.  When in aspect to Hades (Pluto), she is brought in touch with the dark side of human nature. This can cause love triangles, betrayals etc that can lead  to the breakup of stagnant relationships. Relationships must grow or die.  
