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Symbolic Meaning of the Cosmic Blast from Eta Carinae

Eta Carinae

A star system containing two gigantic suns is blasting cosmic rays into space and NASA scientists have found that the radiation is making its way towards Earth on intergalactic winds.
High-energy observations in the sprawling southern constellation of Carina had puzzled scientists for some time. But now a NASA orbital telescope has helped pin the energy source on Eta Carinae, a double-star system around 7,500 light years away from Earth. It is already known that rays with energies greater than 1 billion electron volts are sprayed into our solar system. However, the erratic movement of the energy and sheer size of the great expanse previously made it difficult to locate some of the sources. Colliding stellar winds within Eta Carinae, which is surrounded by an hourglass dust nebula, have now been confirmed as a reason for the energy patterns in the region. July 4

When a major extra terrestrial event like this one occurs, astrologers scratch their heads to  understand what it might mean symbolically. Given below is an extract from Nick Fiorenza that details the meaning of Eta Carinae.

Eta Carinae, Lord of the Waves, the Akkadian Ea (Ia), the Sumerian Enki, chief god and founder of the city Eridhu (Eridu[1]) (he who warned Zuisudra, the Sumerian Noah, about the flood), is generally considered the foreteller of impending catastrophic change, but also the instructor of the way through such evolutionary transitions. Eta is also associated with the Sirian amphibious fish-man "Oannes," (the priest/sage of Ea in the temple of Eridhu) who taught the Chaldaeans both esoteric science and that which would civilize/humanize their lives; e.g., how to build cities and temples, understanding geometrical principles, creating civilized laws, and agricultural sustenance. (Robert Temple, "The Sirius Mystery") Eta embodies the esoteric Gnostic wisdom behind what to most is merely the mystery of life or unfathomable acts of God. Mythically, "Oannes is the emblem of priestly, esoteric wisdom; he comes out from the sea, because the 'great deep', the water, typifies the secret doctrine.[2]" (Blavatsky, "Isis Unveiled")

Due to Eta's strong X-ray spectrum and galactic equatorial orientation, it expresses significantly at the soul level—stimulating an awakening on Earth to our greater purpose as sentient souls responsible for Earth's safe evolutionary outcome. As a part of Argo Navis and the Argo's keel, Eta is of navigational matters regarding the evolution of the entire soul collective on Earth.

Eta Carinae's impending Super Nova explosion, is a portent of evolutionary change and impels environmental preparation for such change. It also indicates that something with far greater potential and magnitude can and will birth through the human form—a far greater expression of consciousness. Eta stimulates our need to prepare for and to become capable of this greater expression of consciousness, to create an inner bio-logical environment that is capable of a higher expression of consciousness as well as one that can support such a birth through the corporeal form.
