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Trump poised to take control of the Federal Reserve

President Donald Trump has multiple reasons as to why he should take control of the Federal Reserve. He will do so both because he can and because his broader policies argue that he should do so. The president is anti-overregulating American industry. The Fed is a leader in pushing stringent regulation on the nation. By raising interest rates and stopping the growth in the money supply it stands in the way of further growth in the American economy. Jul 20

In a previous blogpost [1] written in Jan 2017 on the Fed, I wrote:

This is very big news and completely in line with what Trump has been promising in his election speeches. But let us look at the chart for the Fed to see if we can spot this big change.  Notice that Pluto is transiting opposite the Ascendant-Mars conjunction in the Fed’s chart. This is a rare and extremely important transit. In his essay Pluto Ascendant Aspect: Becoming A Different Person, Hiroki Niizato explains how a transit of Pluto to the Ascendant can change us completely:
Ascendant is our persona – the mask we wear and show to the world. Because it always opposes the Descendant (the 7th house cusp), Ascendant represents what others will see and identify as our unique personality. Transit or Natal Pluto conjunct, square or opposite Ascendant can suggest the need for the mask to break at one point, so that a different identity can emerge, perhaps one that reflects more of our inner truth.

Pluto’s opposition to radix Mars often show up as external circumstances that block us making it impossible to proceed in the reckless direction that we have been heading. Since the crisis of 2007-8, the Fed has been pursuing a reckless monetary policy that has had disastrous consequences for the US and the world economy.

What has happened now is  that the solar eclipse [20cn]has fallen  on the Ascendant  (opposite transit Pluto).  This has triggered Trump’s actions against the Fed.  Notice that Trump’s radix Saturn [23cn] is conjunct the Fed’s  Mars [19cn] on the Ascendant [18cn] implying that he would act as the authority that puts the brakes (Saturn) on the Fed’s reckless  (Mars opposite Jupiter) policies.
