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Grandmaster Putin’s Trap

Vulpecula et Anser

the Fox and the Goose

Despite numerous success reports in the style of Fox News and CNN, today, Western economy, led by the United States is in Putin’s trap, the way out of which no one in the West can see or find. And the more the West is trying to escape from this trap, the more stuck it becomes. No matter how strange it may seem, but right now, Putin is selling Russian oil and gas only for physical gold.  In the financial world it is accepted as a given that gold is an antidollar. 

In 1971, US President Richard Nixon closed the ‘gold window’, ending the free exchange of dollars for gold, guaranteed by the US in 1944 at Bretton Woods.
In 2014, Russian President Vladimir Putin has reopened the ‘gold window’, without asking Washington’s permission.

Right now the West spends much of its efforts and resources to suppress the prices of gold and oil. Thereby, on the one hand to distort the existing economic reality in favor of the US dollar and on the other hand, to destroy the Russian economy, refusing to play the role of obedient vassal of the West.

And now Putin sells Russian energy resources in exchange for these US dollars, artificially propped by the efforts of the West. With which he immediately buys gold, artificially devalued against the U.S. dollar by the efforts of the West itself!

Historically, two important things happened in the period 1971-73. First, Nixon  closed the ‘gold window’.  Then in an effort to maintain global demand for U.S. dollars, a system was created called the petrodollar system. In 1973, a deal was struck between Saudi Arabia and the United States in which every barrel of oil purchased from the Saudis would be denominated in U.S. dollars. Under this new arrangement, any country that sought to purchase oil from Saudi Arabia would be required to first exchange their own national currency for U.S. dollars. In exchange for Saudi Arabia’s willingness to denominate their oil sales exclusively in U.S. dollars, the United States offered weapons and protection of their oil fields from neighboring nations, including Israel.

Let us look at the US Sibly to understand what was happening in 1971-73. In 1971-73, the progressed Sibly Sun was conjunct radix Pluto [27cp] which conjoins Kronos  [21cp] and Cupido [24cp] and with all three trine Neptune [22vi].  The delineation for this combination is as below:

Kronos-Pluto-Neptune-Cupido:  Authority figures (Kronos) gain power (Pluto) by capitalizing on the vulnerability or weakness of others (Neptune) and forcing them into an alliance or marriage (Cupido) of convenience.

Saudi Arabia’s chart has radix Saturn [28cp] opposite radix Pluto [23cn] so that the Sibly progressed Sun was also triggering this combination.

Pluto-Saturn:  Out of weakness or fear (Saturn), to allow oneself to be   overpowered or manipulated (Pluto)by another.

For a better understanding we look at the stars that conjoin the Sibly Pluto.  For these stars, Nick Fiorenza writes:

Amongst the folds of the feathers of Aquila  is the image of Vulpecula, the cunning and deceptive fox. Vulpecula cum Ansere sums up the entire first half of sidereal Capricorn. Lying directly over the missile of Zeus, Sagitta, Vulpecula amalgamates the Albireo theme with that of Sagitta, with that of Algedi, and with that of neighboring Aquila as our war machine--all revealing the nature of the tools of business and war. The Fox is indicative of the sexy, sly, cunning, covert maneuvers used to get the goose, and, as is most often the case, disguised to be something other than what it truly is.

Aquila, the Eagle, is a powerful bird of prey. Nick Fiorenza links it to tyrants and conquerors  who use military force to achieve their ends.  Vulpecula is the fox who hides his motives in order to steal the goose.  This picture describes what really happened in 1971-73. To save themselves, the Saud family was offering the US protection money and the entire arrangement was kept a secret.

And now we have the Pluto return for the US Sibly. In an essay entitled Pluto and the US Chart – An Eruption of Darkness, Lynn Hayes wrote:

Pluto’s rule in the astrological pantheon is to take us deep into the Underworld and reveal all of the dark and nasty corners of the psyche in order to illuminate that darkness and therefore aid in the process of personal evolution. Pluto is the Lord of Death – he causes obsession and has the potential to bring out the worst in us but also the best in us.  Pluto’s placement in the chart shows where we can be undone by our own psychology, but also where we can be transformed and reborn. In the astrological chart for the United States (I use the “Sibley” chart and here’s why), Pluto is in the second house of money.  Pluto, as the ruler of the underworld, represents the shadow side of the psyche, whether in an individual chart or the chart of a nation.  With Pluto in the second house of money and finance, the American shadow is a dirty little secret – an obsession (Pluto) with the power that money can provide (second house).

With transit Pluto about to return and conjoin Sibly radix Pluto and the Saudi Saturn, the petrodollar agreement will no longer be feasible.  But human actors are required to bring the change and here is where Putin enters. Currently his solar arc Pluto [27li] squares Sibly Pluto [27cp] applying the necessary pressure to bring about the change.

In passing, one may mention that Mars is about to station direct [28cp] on August 27 right on top of Sibly Pluto [27cp]. In the week or ten days following the station we need to watch how the Sibly chart reacts. With transit Uranus retrograding in the 5th (station direct on Jan.6, 2019 at 28ar) i.e.  still in effective square to Sibly Pluto we can expect sudden upheavals in finance and stock markets.
