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Greece emerges from eurozone bailout programme

Greece has successfully completed a three-year eurozone emergency loan programme worth €61.9bn (£55bn; $70.8bn) to tackle its debt crisis. It was part of the biggest bailout in global financial history, totalling some €289bn, which will take the country decades to repay. Deeply unpopular cuts to public spending, a condition of the bailout, are set to continue. But for the first time in eight years, Greece can borrow at market rates. Aug. 20

Greece and Turkey are fairly close to each other so that an eclipse which falls on the horizon at Ankara is more or less also on the horizon at Athens. This news should serve as a good example of how the July 13 eclipse can have negative repercussions (Turkey) [1] or positive ones (Greece) . In both cases, the eclipse was opposite Pluto and aligned with the horizon axis,  implying that its energy was going to be felt strongly at these places.

Pluto is related to the sign Scorpio. It is the natural ruler of the 8th house of shared resources so that it is has a major say in international finance, credit and debt.  Pluto is also a pattern disrupter and deprogrammer. When worked with consciously, it  frees one from antiquated behavioral patterns and teaches one to claim the power within self  (integrity) and not be dependent on  money and resources of others (Greece). When individuals or nations become dependent on others they are vulnerable to being controlled (Turkey).

Eclipses are about endings and new beginnings. Since  Pluto rules credit and debt  the eclipse is signaling the end of a debt crisis (Greece) or the beginning of one (Turkey).

 Now let us transpose the eclipse on to the chart for Greece.  The eclipse opposite Pluto formed a T-square with the radix Sun [22cp] – Saturn [20ar] – Jupiter [21ar] square.  A simple delineation for Pluto-Saturn-Jupiter is:

Pluto – Saturn – Jupiter : One endures difficulty (Saturn-Pluto)  to achieve something positive(Jupiter) at the end.

In this context, let us remember that Pluto transits to Saturn can help us overcome our greatest weakness. These transits are often associated with a threat of loss in some area of life. It could be a creative destruction in that it opens the way for a new beginning, but nevertheless it feels formidable. Steven Forrest refers to  Pluto-Saturn  as “the cosmic paycheck”. His implication was that under this transit, we all "get what we deserve".  Greece is certainly getting what it deserves after a period of hardship and a return to integrity.

Finally, let us transpose the eclipse to Greece’s solar return chart. Notice that here it aligns with the meridian making  harmonious aspects to the solar return Jupiter bringing a fortunate end to the crisis. But it is the star Zubeneschamali [19sc]  that Jupiter [18sc] conjoins that gives us a clue as to why Greece was able to evolve out of its past patterns. There are two stars here - Zuben-el-genubi and Zuben-es-chamalli, about which Nick Fiorenza writes:

The two "Chelae of the Scorpion," Zuben-el-genubi and Zuben-es-chamalli lie at 15° and 19° tropical Scorpio respectively , the karmic seat for incarnating souls, lies upon the ecliptic. This location in the ecliptic is also the exalted seat of Saturn--lord of karmic retribution, keeper of time. Zubenelgenubi reveals past patterns that keep us entrapped in the reincarnational clutches--from attaining our highest destiny and evolutionary freedom. Karma does not mean something bad, it simply means our past experiential path, one that must be reconciled by moving forth from our past into our dharma. Zubeneschamali, the dharmic seat, lies slightly north of the ecliptic. Zubeneschamali embodies our responsibility to complete our chosen paths of incarnational involvement so we may claim our evolutionary freedom and spiritual awakening.
