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Brazil enters a troubling new era

Brazil is a land torn apart. Former paratrooper Jair Bolsonaro was elected with 55.63 percent of votes. Yet a record 31 million votes were ruled absent or null and void. No less than 46 million Brazilians voted for the Workers’ Party’s candidate, Fernando Haddad; a professor and former mayor of Sao Paulo, one of the crucial megalopolises of the Global South. The key startling fact is that over 76 million Brazilians did not vote for Bolsonaro. His first speech as president exuded the feeling of a trashy jihad by a fundamentalist sect laced with omnipresent vulgarity and the exhortation of a God-given dictatorship as the path towards a new Brazilian Golden Age. French-Brazilian sociologist Michael Lowy has described the Bolsonaro phenomenon as “pathological politics on a large scale”. His ascension was facilitated by an unprecedented conjunction of toxic factors such as the massive social impact of crime in Brazil, leading to a widespread belief in violent repression as the only solution. Oct 29

Venus went retrograde on 5 October 2018 at 10 Scorpio 50 and will station direct on 16 November 2018 at 25 Libra 15. Venus retrograde is considered a period where personal values are up for  reassessment — who we love, what we like, whatever’s important to us that we hold dear. That includes cultural values and even politics.

During its retrograde, Venus opposes Uranus on October 31, just two days after the Brazil election results. At Brasilia, the Venus-Uranus opposition forms a Grand Cross with the nodes that align with the meridian implying that its influence is going to be felt strongly at the place.

Uranus symbolizes revolutions but these can often be  reactionary and fascist as has happened in Brazil.

The table below gives the current progressions in the chart of Brazil.

Dynamic Chart
 Brazil - Natal Chart
 7 Sep 1822 NS, 4:47 pm, LMT +3:06:28
 Sao Paulo Brazil, 23°S32', 046°W37'
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
 Placidus Houses,  True Node

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns planets

P1 (H)    Asp        P2 (H)    EXL         Type      Date                      Pos1                     Pos2      

Sun (2)  Cnj         Plu (2)   (X)        Sa-Na    1 Jul 2017            00°Ar13' D           00°Ar13' R
Sun (2)  Sqr         Nep (11)(X)        Sa-Na    14 Oct 2019         02°Ar29' D           02°Cp29' R

*** END REPORT ***

Notice that progressed Sun is triggering a Pluto-Neptune square. Pluto is "the" planet that goes for power  and control (among other things.)  Neptune can manifest as vulnerability and idealism.  When Pluto interacts with Neptune, people who are weak or idealistic can allow a powerful  person to take control.  That might be wonderful; if  one is  feeling not up to handling things and someone else takes  charge--great.  But also likely is the other side of this--people who  "prey" on the weaknesses or susceptibilities of others; people who "feel  strong" by victimizing others and capitalizing on their weaknesses or  dependencies.  Having chosen a strongman like Jair Bolsonaro, Brazilians are likely to regret it when he begins to trample on their fundamental rights.

Can it be a coincidence that Jair Bolsonaro born 21 March 1955[1] has his radix Sun [0ar] conjunct Brazil’s Pluto [0ar]?
