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Full Moon “Wobble” hits Germany

Two weeks after the Christian Social Union, Merkel's Bavarian sister party, suffered a crushing blow in the Bavaria regional election following the worst result for the ruling party since 1950, on Sunday Germany’s ruling Christian Democrats were hit with another heavy loss in elections in Sunday's region election in Hesse, in a result that could further destabilize Angela Merkel’s grand coalition in Berlin. Prime Minister Volker Bouffier's CDU remained the strongest party on Sunday, but according to forecasts by German TV, the party achieved its worst result in the state in more than 50 years. The election was also a major hit for the Social Democrat party, which received its worst ever result in Hesse and saw its share of the vote fall by one-third compared to the last election in 2013.  Oct. 28

The effect of political and personal upheavals created by the Uranus Full Moon “Wobble” [1] continues unabated. Germany appears to be the latest example of the instability generated by the powerful Full Moon. Notice that a chart for the Full Moon at Berlin straddles the meridian implying that its energy is going to be felt very strongly at the place.

The standard horoscope of Germany as provided by  Campion,  "The Book of World Horoscopes," p. 175 is drawn for the proclamation of William I as German Emperor, at Versailles [2]. Based on this data, shown here is the precession corrected solar return for Germany. Notice the Sun-Uranus square straddling the meridian with Uranus on the 4th house cusp. In his book Mundane or National Astrology, H.S Green interprets this position as follows:

This generally troubles the Government, putting many difficulties in their way either in Parliament or in the country. The Opposition may be stronger than usual and may score against the Government, or unpopularity with the people may tell against them in the country.

If we now progress the return chart by the solar quotidian method  to Oct. 28, the date of the news we find that the progressed angles once again trigger the Sun-Uranus square creating news that fits perfectly  the above delineation.


PS : Angela Merkel was born 17 July 1954; 18:00 MET; Hamburg.  Shown here is her current solar return chart. Notice the Uranus square the Nodes straddling the meridian. The Full Moon of Oct. 24 fell on Uranus which is the reason for her departure…a sort of upheaval in German politics we mention above.
