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Helicopter crashes reinforce the Full Moon message

Charts are true. Utterly. With a precision that can stun. The task, then, is to learn and understand the factors and techniques that reveal the truth – Martha Wescott

The USS Ronald Reagan has resumed flight operations Friday morning after a mysterious incident where a MH-60R Seahawk helicopter crashed while making an emergency landing on the ship's flight deck shortly after taking off at 9 am on Oct. 19. The Navy said it is investigating the crash after the helicopter, a member of the "Saberhawks" Helicopter Maritime Strike Squadron, crash landed shortly after lifting off from the ship's deck at approximately 9 am on Oct. 19.

This news is an example of what we wrote about in a previous post [1].

The upcoming  Uranus Full Moon is especially potent and exceptionally significant. The Moon not only conjoins Uranus but the Sun-Uranus-Moon axis also squares the Lunar Nodes, forming a highly potent Grand Square. The Full Moon square the Nodal axis is a phenomena known as “Moon Wobble”.
During Moon Wobble the instability factor is high, resulting in more fires, plane crashes, freak accidents, floods, feats of nature, bizarre weather patterns, earthquakes, tornadoes, violence, Terrorism, riots, and political and personal upheavals. These Cycles bring suppressed energies in people and Mother Nature to the surface, erupting and disrupting. Remember, if you are not working through your subconscious issues you are more likely to fall prey to your emotions.

As I mentioned in the post, at Washington, DC the Uranus-Moon Wobble, Grand Cross is aligned with the meridian choosing it as one place where its effects are going to be felt strongly. An accident on a US warship is certainly an incident that would show up for a chart drawn for the US capital. So for a moment let us get back to the Full Moon chart at Washington, DC to see in hindsight whether we can spot the accident. Notice that the Sun [1sc13] on the MC is conjunct the star Miaplacidus [2sc12]. Beta (β) Carina, Miaplacidus, is a star in the Keel of the great Ship Argo Navis (see image).  The Sun [1sc] is sharply square the South Node [1aq] which is conjunct the star Altair [2aq], the Eagle, a perfect symbol for a military aircraft so that together with Argo we are homing in on a warship based aircraft! Most readers may have difficulty believing how powerful these star  images can be but this is a good example of how they work.  

Mars completed  its retrograde on August 27, externalizing the new 780-day synodic cycle.  The synod occurred under the auspices of Altair of the Eagle and Sagitta, the missile of Zeus.  Since Mars was conjunct the South Node, it was referring to our past behavioral patterns which we need to leave behind. In other words the synod is asking us to get beyond our war-like behavior when we feel threatened.  The chart for the Full Moon Wobble is simply demonstrating the failure of our equipments of war thereby re-emphasizing the theme of the Mars synod.

And just to  check whether this configuration played a part in crash let us draw the chart for Oct. 19;  9 am (Manila Time) or 1 am GMT  at Washington DC, when the incident occurred. And sure enough the Grand Cross makes hard aspects to the angles confirming its role in the tragedy.
