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What to expect from the upcoming Full Moon

The Full Moon of November 23 forms a T-square with  TNP Admetus – Mars – Jupiter. Given below is an interpretation for the various planet, asteroid and mid-point combination that aspect the  Full Moon. Some of these will show up as events  in our lives so keep your eyes open!

You may see people seeking  isolation  as a way of  insulating an emotional system that already feels overwhelmed.  There may be an increase in defenses that result in an  emotional and/or physical kind of hardening or cramping.


Making things better  may require effort and  initiative. Some will feel they  have to break away from the restrictions of others.  This is certainly a time of special opportunities--but they aren't just  handed around on a silver platter. Look out for  rebelliousness against rules and superiors.

Admetus - Jupiter
Some  things are worth "hanging in there" to accomplish--sometimes  perseverance pays off.  Where relevant, you'll also see that (1)  legalities and contact with experts  (Jupiter) are subject to delays (Admetus), (2) people  can postpone education or travel--or encounter obstacles and delays with  them.  Some many manage to turn a deaf ear (Admetus)  to good ideas, to  hope, and to input that would be helpful (Jupiter). 

It looks as though people and situations will be showing you how long a  sorrow can be held, how much a person can endure as their life comes to  a close, or how a person can become inurred to the sorrows in their  life.  There may be some reason to notice a  painful longing for a place--for a Land. There may be  some expression of regret because a person "waited so long" or because  they saw themselves as dependent on others (or on something over which  they had no control). You may see that things are delayed or seem to depend on a  sorrow or loss--and times when people try to steel themselves for a loss  (as though they want to be strong, resilient and prepared.) 

Memoria - Lacrimosa
 The mind's memory functions will be "grieving"-- processing things that  will never be, as well as losses, and this can be depressing if it's not  seen as a natural part of being mortal.  There may be poignant instances  of having a particular memory of someone who is gone from the life-- and  there may be some issue about whether or not a person has "a THING"-- a  momento --associated with that person.

Atlantis - Persephone
You may also see that, faced with some  personal or job "transition," people take a very negative view, and may  use the negativity to fuel transition or separation anxieties.

Perhaps someone went away as an attempts to manage feelings, people and situations through substitution or avoidance.

Too, you may realize that some people are just "in denial"  about what happened in the past.  And there may be times when people  focus ON THE PAST  so they can diminish the impact of what's  happening in the present ! 

You may also be aware of how regret or depression can cause  a person to re-think where they're headed and what they're doing, to  take another look at what's happening and what will happen if they  continue on the same way they have been.

Because having something NOT continue in the direction it was  going will be a stroke of luck (or turn out quite well.)

There are  CHANGES afoot...and these affect the residence, family structure or family  members.
