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Angela Merkel: Agent of the New World Order

“Nation states must today be prepared to give up their sovereignty”, according to German Chancellor Angela Merkel, who told an audience in Berlin that sovereign nation states must not listen to the will of their citizens when it comes to questions of immigration, borders, or even sovereignty.

In this blogpost we shall see how Angela Merkel’s horoscope gives us a clue to her drive for globalization. The horoscope of Angel Merkel as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. Let us focus our attention on the prominent T-square Neptune-Sun-Uranus-Admetos that straddles the meridian. We have chosen this configuration since currently Pluto is occupying the empty leg of the T converting it into a Grand Cross. But to understand the news it is enough to concentrate on Pluto transit square Neptune on the MC.  In her book The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott gives the following interpretations :

Pluto-Neptune: Yielding control to a higher power (Pluto) out of weakness or misplaced idealism (Neptune); to see human will relinquished to a Higher Power (but is this “god” or some ogre in big black boots?)

PS : Just to give an example from history – Hitler had a natal Pluto-Neptune conjunction activated by transits during World War 2. The German people gave up their powers of discrimination and trusted in a leader who they thought was “god” but who turned out to be an ogre in black boots.
