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Cracks appear in Sydney Opal Tower

Charts are true. Utterly. With a precision that can stun. The task, then, is to learn and understand the factors and techniques that reveal the truth and to honor serve and embrace the knowledge of Self and the profound gift of life events – Martha Wescott

Hundreds of people have been told to leave a Sydney tower block for a second time, after a crack appeared in its walls on Monday. Many residents of the 38-storey Opal Tower had moved back in, after the alarm was first raised when loud noises were heard and a crack was discovered. The company that built the tower said it remained "structurally sound" and the relocation was just a precaution. It says this will allow engineers and investigators to work around the clock. Dec. 27

Readers unfamiliar with astrology may be surprised at the details a chart can reveal.  Shown here is the national chart of Australia with only the relevant entities needed for our discussion. Note the TNP Kronos  on the Ascendant square the TNP Cupido (house) [1] on the IC bisected by the nodal axis.  Martha Wescott [1] provides the following keywords for the TNPs.

CUPIDO: Issues in the family history; group unity or dynamics; comments on the home, residence or household themes; decor; artistry; sense for art; partner or family members.

KRONOS: Authoritative positions; questioning of competency; having differences of opinion; dealing with “red tape,” timing or jumping bureaucratic hoops; laws; police; legislators; the father; executives; governmental leaders; events through people in the public eye; measurements (especially of height;) rising, altitude, flights; overhead/above.

A further confirmation that the TNP Kronos  can indicate “tall structures” is indicated at reference [2].

 But that is the radix. What is happening now? Well  the total solar eclipse of Jan. 6 [16cp] is conjunct Pluto [20cp] and this pair forms the upper end of a T-square with the radix Kronos-Cupido. Remember that Pluto is associated with the keyword “destruction” and will destroy  anything that lacks integrity. The powerful energy of the total solar eclipse is shaking the entire configuration literally and figuratively!

Since the eclipse is in Australia’s 10th house which also rules the leaders and government what is happening to the tower is symbolic of what is happening to the government as this report in The Guardian appears to confirm.

The public’s satisfaction with the way democracy works in Australia has crashed, prompting fears that future governments could be perceived as illegitimate by most voters. A new survey has captured the dark mood of Australia’s electorate, with voters fuming that politicians are rarely held to account for breaking promises, barely one in three voters saying they trust the federal government, and the majority of Australians saying they dislike the conflict-driven politics of federal parliament and want a different system. Dec. 5
