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Neptune and the Opioid Crisis

More than 700,000 Americans died from drug overdoses from 1999 to 2017, about 10% of them in 2017 alone, according to a new report published by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). In total, there were a staggering 70,237 drug overdose deaths last year, which is more deaths than all US military fatal casualties of the Vietnam War. Opioids were involved in 67.8%, or 47,600 of those deaths. Of those opioid-related overdose deaths, 59.8% of them, or 28,466, were due to synthetic opioids.

Mundane astrology is used to show how events from the past, present and future affect nations, states, cities, towns, etc. A chart for a country can be created for the moment a nation was created or gained its independence; with the capital city as the location for the chart. Transits and progressions can be used to create a forecast using the same method that is used to create a forecast for a person. The most popular chart for the United States is the US Sibly. Currently transit Neptune [14pi] is square (a 90 degrees angular separation considered an important trigger) the Ascendant (12sa) i.e. the cusp of the First House and quincunx (a 150 or 210 degree separation) to the radix Sun in the 8th house.  At her website Skyscript, Deborah Houlding explains the meaning of the houses.

First House In Mundane Astrology:
The common people or general state of the nation. The country and its inhabitants as a whole; its general condition of prosperity and health or the reverse.

Eighth House In Mundane Astrology:
Public mortality, the death rate.

So  all that  the Neptune transit is essentially doing is triggering or stirring up the 1st to 8th house radix contact. About the current Neptune transit through Pisces, astrologer Frank Don in his article Neptune Pisces — Illumination or Delusion, writes:

The use of drugs and drug use can be a major influence during this Neptune Pisces transit. With anaesthesia having come into known practice when Neptune was first re-discovered in the mid 1800’s, new discoveries in medicine and pain management can come forward and alleviate pain. Medical advances can be extraordinary. If we change our consciousness away from the profit motive and focus on wellness rather than sickness, we might find various cures for so-called incurable diseases and elongate life extension if we choose it. On the flip side, the recreational use of drugs can increase as people seek ways of escapism from hard, cold reality. As they did in the 1960’s, people can turn on and tune out. But while the 1960’s drug use had a semblance of consciousness expansion, love and brotherhood, this time around drugs may be used merely to escape the pain of everyday reality.

Neptune represents how you transcend yourself and merge with the oneness of life.The realm of Neptune is the realm of ecstasy and mystic revelation but also the realm of glamor and deceiving phantasms, the realm of hallucination and intoxication. The essential keywords for Neptune are: Transcendent, Merging, and Oneness. And the desire represented by Neptune is the urge to escape from limitations. With transit Jupiter now reaching an opposition to the Sibly Ascendant and square transit Neptune, the magnitude of the opioid problem is being brought to light.

The need for individuals to “escape” from their emotions, pain and life circumstances is what addictions fulfill. The Neptunian energies elude us into thinking that we can continue to escape and see things with rose colored glasses on, but in the end we have to see things clearly for ourselves. This can be a painful process, but hopefully we are learning to embrace a power outside ourselves, our own spirituality.
