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Russia's New Rules Of Engagement In Syria

Syria will adopt a new rule of engagement with Israel now that Russia has taken a tougher and clearer stance on the conflict between Israel and the “Axis of the Resistance”. Henceforth, Damascus will be responding to any Israeli strike.

To understand what is happening here let us first look at what Carl Jung had to say about the Self. Jung formulated the concept of persona, a sort of mask we create and wear in society. The persona can be understood as the personality we choose over the personality with which we are born. The persona is an expression not necessarily of our true selves, but of our egos: how we wish to see ourselves and for others to see us, as opposed to who we truly and wholly are. As Jung pointed out, to have a persona is not the problem. We all need a persona, as we all need an ego. But the trouble begins when we become overidentified with the persona or ego, believing that these artificial creations totally define our identity. Such overidentification with the persona, frequently the catalyst for what Jung called "mid-life crisis," can become constrictive, one-sided and suffocating as we grow, mature and develop psychologically.

Behind the persona lurks what Jung referred to as the shadow: the repressed parts that we deem unacceptable or evil, and therefore try to hide from ourselves and others by rendering them unconscious. Since we each possess a persona and a conflicting unconscious shadow, we all suffer in a sense from "split personality."

As the progressed Sun hits a set of planets and asteroids, our world splits and we are presented through some one else those parts of our self that we have repressed or chosen to remain unconscious about. Shown in the table below is Israel’s current solar progression.

  Israel - Natal Chart
 14 May 1948, 4:15 pm, EET -2:00
 Tel Aviv Israel, 32°N04', 034°E46'
 Geocentric Tropical Zodiac
 Koch Houses,  True Node

Selection: Solar Arc Dirns1

P1           Asp        P2           Type                       Date               Pos1                  Pos2               
Sun        Cnj         Kassan Sa-Na    28 Oct 2017                00°Le05' D    00°Le05' D
Sun        Sqq        Amor     Sa-Na    17 Jan 2018                00°Le17' D     15°Sg17' D
Sun        Opp       Toro       Sa-Na    18 Aug 2019               01°Le48' D    01°Aq48' D

*** END REPORT ***

Readers unfamiliar with the definition of the asteroids may please look up Martha Wescott [1]. Simply put Amor is about “boundaries”, Toro is about “flexing one’s muscles” or “bullying” while Kassandra is about “not heeding advice” or “not being listened to”.  So what do we have?  The Israelis were unconscious of a set of asteroids in their own horoscope. This becomes their “shadow”. The Russians are irritated that they have not been listened to and are  flexing their muscles by setting new boundary conditions which the Israelis must now adhere to. In conclusion, there is no escape from your own chart. If you are not conscious of your actions the world will make you aware of it.
