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The horoscope of Emmanuel Macron

President Emmanuel Macron is an instrument of the financial establishment, a former staff of the Rothschilds, acting on their behalf, enforcing a profit driven macro-economic agenda as well boosting the revenues of the military contractors. The tax on fuel serves the interests of powerful creditor  institutions. The tax proceeds will be channelled into servicing France’s spiralling public debt which is  estimated at 2.2 trillion euros, equivalent to 96.8 percent of GDP. Annual debt servicing obligations of the French Republic are staggering. The entire fiscal structure is in crisis.

Macron seems to be vying for the honor of being the most unpopular French leader in history, provoking violent protests that have lasted now for weeks, involving every sector of the population. Macron will probably be able to survive this political storm, but his political future looks dire. His horoscope as provided by Astro-Databank [1] is reproduced here. His current Primary Progressions (Van Dam) is “Uranus conjunct Sun”. Some keywords for Uranus are “revolutions, breakdowns and chaos” [2] . When a person is in denial about the need for change, Uranus hitting the Sun can bring about forced change from the environment. His natal Sun is placed on the cusp of the 12th house often referred to as the house of “self-undoing” [3].

To  understand the trends for a month, astrologers routinely draw the lunar return chart – the Moon’s return to the position occupied in the natal chart. Shown here is Macron’s  current lunar return chart. Also shown is a chart for today’s meeting between Macron and the labor union leaders (10 am local).

 Notice that both the charts carry the Saturn opposite the TNPs Hades and Kronos on the angles. Martha Wescott provides the following interpretations:

Saturn-Hades: to hear of long term situations that are growing worse or are in a state of decline.
Kronos – Hades: Leaders make mistakes; laws or authoritative action make things difficult for the common man; leaders vs the common people.
Saturn – Kronos : Leaders are held accountable.

Ideologically, Hades leads us toward belief in the value of the experiences of the common people.  These realities are essential components of what we all live through and experience, and the less conscious of them we are, the more problematic and uncomfortable we find situations when Hades arrives by direction or transit to contact significant points in our charts, when we are called upon to deal with them directly. Hades raises the question, "can we all move forward as a human race if we neglect the needs and development of humanity as a whole?"  Is Hades unpleasant and disgusting?  It could be, if we refuse to accept the value and positive potentials of its energies and their influences on our lives, or refuse to deal with things that we may, on a large social scale, be more connected with than we think, in terms of cause and effect, even if just through our value and belief systems. Could it be that the problems of Hades, and other TNPs such as Kronos and Vulkanus, remain as long as our social paradigms continue according to an antique master/servant polarity that perpetuates primitive dichotomies that bring so much misery to human society?

