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Uranus station direct influencing world events

Europe's most active volcano, Mount Etna in Sicily, erupted on Monday, with officials reporting more than 130 earthquakes of up to 4.3 in magnitude. The Mount Etna observatory said lava had spewed from a new fracture near its south-eastern crater.

Last week, Donald Trump, acting unilaterally and within full power as Commander-in-Chief, derailed the Deep State’s plans for yet another disastrous regime change operation, announcing the withdrawal of US troops from Syria. In a video released via Twitter, the American leader announced that, “We have won against ISIS…and it’s time for our troops to come home.” In the not-so-distant past, such an announcement would have been greeted with cheers since it is generally agreed that war is - at least for those doing the grunt work - a very unpleasant enterprise. But the times have changed, together with the national agenda, and instead of applause filling the airwaves, the American people can hear nothing but the screeching of incensed hawks on both sides of the political aisle. That screeching is the sound of the Deep State expressing its deep displeasure and even pain.

Many  events can be explained by what astrologers call the station point. This  term refers to the period when a planet slows down and stands relatively still before changing directions, and either starts going backward ("retrograde") or forward ("direct"). Think "station" as in stationary, in other words.

While many astrologers look to the station point primarily for what it tells us about when and where a planet is changing direction, stations possess another level of meaning that's often overlooked, and which could be even more important in symbolism than its role as a directional marker. Why? Because in the process of slowing down and grinding to a seeming halt, the influence of that planet is dramatically amplified.

The reason for this preamble is that Uranus is stationing to go direct on January 6. It has already begun to influence several events one of which is the eruption of St. Etna. How do we know that? Well first let us look at the chart for Uranus station direct at Etna. Notice the T-square involving Uranus-Nodes-Moon-Pluto making a hard aspect to the horizon axis implying that it is one place where its power would be felt. Uranus-Pluto is the sudden release of hidden energy.

Recall that Pluto is the archetype of primordial energy, the universal life force which impels all evolution and transformation. This force is visible in the elemental power of a volcanic eruption, and  in all violent, purgatorial discharge of pent-up energies--from the Earth as in an earthquake.
And further confirmation comes from a chart for the first eruption (Dec. 24; 8:00 am GMT). Notice that the same configuration aligns with the horizon.

Another example of the powerful Uranus station was briefly mentioned in my previous post [1] where I indicated that in the US Sibly, transit Uranus is station direct in the 5th house square radix Pluto in the 2nd. This is an upheaval of a different kind. From the news, readers will be aware that two separate and unrelated events have occurred in the US. First the stock market meltdown and second Trump’s decision to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan. The first is easy to understand since the 5th house rules the stock market but the second event requires a little explanation. Many of the problematic instincts that lie deep within the human psyche, such as murderous hatred, violent jealousy, fear of losing control and so forth, reflect the activity of Pluto. The delineation below from  Martha Wescott explains how Uranus interacts with a problematic Pluto. Readers will notice how accurately it describes the current scenario in the US with the War Party angry at Trump’s sudden decision to end all wars.

Pluto-Uranus: aware of power struggles (Pluto) between friends (Uranus); change or unexpected reactions (Uranus)  based on resentments, ultimatums or threats to control (Pluto); to see disruptive behavior based on emergent (formerly repressed) psychological content.


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