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Washington Finally Acknowledges Defeat In Syria

Mars – the God of War

In a succinct tweet on Wednesday, Donald Trump has announced a momentous policy decision that the Trump administration will soon be pulling out the US troops from Syria and Iraq. Although the current redeployment of American troops will only be limited to northern Syria to appease the US-ally Turkey where it has been a longstanding demand of President Erdogan that Turkey will not tolerate the presence of the US-backed Kurdish forces west of Euphrates River, it can be expected in the coming months that Washington will withdraw American forces from eastern Syria and Iraq as well. Dec. 19

Mundane astrology, the study of heavenly cycles upon groups and nations is the most ancient branch of astrology. The affairs of a nation can be judged from the horoscope set up at the time of its official inauguration, the birth chart of its leader, and various phenomena such as eclipses, lunations, great conjunctions, stations, comets and ingresses. Among these, ingresses have a traditional reputation as the most important mundane event. With the Sun's entry into Capricorn  imminent, now is the time to consider the potential of the ingress for 2019.

The chart for the Capricorn Ingress at Washington DC is shown here. As always, planets and planetary configurations on the angles (horizon and meridian) are the ones to focus on. Here we have a Mars-Neptune conjunction on the MC (upper meridian). In his book The Combination of Stellar Influences, Reinhold Ebertin delineates this combination as below :

Principle : Weakness
Probable manifestation: Failures caused through the absence of plans or through lack of energy.

Astrologer Adam Elenbaas describes it in words that are perhaps more relevant to the news.

With Mars- Neptune you might be feeling drained, tired, exhausted, or worn out. You might feel like raising the white flag and saying, "I surrender already." The effort, irritation, passion, and selfishness of Mars is being steadily dissolved by the transcendental waters of Neptune right now.

The horoscope of the United States is attributed to Ebenezer Sibly (1751 – c. 1799),  an English physician, astrologer and writer on the occult. Notice that in this horoscope, we have a Mars-Neptune square which has just been activated by the First Quarter Moon at [23pi]. The phases of the Moon unfold a seed message planted at the New Moon. The current New Moon of December 7 at [15sa] forms a square aspect to a Mars-Neptune conjunction [13pi] reinforcing the theme of weakness and exhaustion and the need  to change our limiting ideologies, to step through our veils of delusion and take action to manifest our greater dreams and visions.

Nick Fiorenza in his lunar planner for December writes about the challenge presented by the Gibbous Moon phase of Dec. 19 around the time Trump made his decision to withdraw from Syria and Afghanistan :

“This Gibbous Moon brings emphasis to our fear-based mental-emotional turmoil and the subsequent entrapments that keep us from greater independence and fulfillment we seek in life. It impels us to think freely and progressively rather than acquiescing to limiting or entrapping mentalities. On the global scene, it may arouse the grandiloquence of governing bureaucracies, but which impels us to realize it is up to us to emerge from its entrappings and to live from our heart's true passion. Chaos can impel us toward two extremes. It can impel a reactive mode of being, addressing constantly changing surface turbulence and superficial issues, leaving us to accomplish nothing enduring, or it can impel us to address our underlying fear that feeds such conditions, which allows us to focus upon action that can create true change in our lives that leads to a prosperous future and our greater wellbeing.”

I would think Trump needs to be congratulated for having lived up to the star challenge.

On December 21, just two days after the news, transit Mars made an exact square (90 degrees angular separation ) to Trump’s natal Sun position. The table below is an extract from serennu which gives Trump’s natal positions. (

VULCANUS: Surge of power/strength; feeling forced to associate; compulsion; awareness of invisible power & the power of influence; periods of burn-out alternate with a “whatever it takes” attitude.
ATROPOS: Endings, completion, conditions at the finish, what is needed to conclude.

21 ge 11' 5"

22 ge 55'42"
23 ge 28' 9"

It is fairly easy to see that Mars activating the combination Atropos-Vulkanus implies a tremendous compulsion to end something!

Moreover Trump’s radix Sun [22ge55] is conjunct his Mars-Admetus [22ge57] midpoint. Martha Wescott interprets this as follows:

Mars-Admetus:  Action after a period of delays, obstacles and resistance to one’s efforts.
