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Afghan Peace Talks Could Bear Fruit

Boticelli - The Birth of Venus

Dramatic news is filtering in from Qatar where the United States Special Representative for Afghanistan Zalmay Khalilzad and his delegation were huddled together with the representatives of the Taliban for four consecutive days since Monday. The duration of the talks unmistakably signifies that complex negotiations have taken place. Jan. 27

Astrologers have long recognized that eclipses tend to bring about endings and new beginnings thus  supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. The Full Moon lunar eclipse of Jan. 21 fell very significantly on the meridian at Washington DC. In a previous post [1] I had mentioned: 

“…the War Party in the US, (and) all globalists are going to face a tough time trying to keep the status quo going. The energy of the eclipse is forcing a major change from globalism to nationalism” .

Here is a map for the eclipse at Doha, Qatar. Notice that the meridian is occupied by the Venus-Jupiter conjunction anchored to the eclipse. Venus has been associated with peace after a war. The story of Venus' birth, borrowed directly from the Greeks, explains that she arose from the foam of the sea shore after a battle between Saturn and Uranus.

The horoscope for the start of the Afghan War is shown here. Notice the Saturn-Pluto opposition aligned with the horizon (which incidentally is also the horizon of the US Sibly). In his brilliant essay A Crisis of Power: Saturn and Pluto Face Off [2], Robert Hand has associated Saturn-Pluto combinations with war among other difficult circumstances. Is it a coincidence that  the Venus-Jupiter conjunction, linked to peace, is taking place on the Ascendant and Pluto’s radix  position in the chart?  
