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Mars-Pluto : Breaking of a ‘rock’

Footage has emerged of a huge explosion caused by the Russian Army in an effort to blow up a massive boulder that was blocking a river. The video shows the military taking care of a 140-meter-long, 11-meter-deep rock jam that blocked the Bureya River in Russia’s Far East after a landslide – in a way they do the best. [1]

The location of the landslide is at: 50.559, 131.472.  Satellite imagery suggests that it occurred between 04:49 UT on 11th December and 00:52 UT on 12th December 2018. [2]

Life events often provide excellent examples for the basis of mythological star images as we shall see with this news. A chart drawn for the location and time of the landslide has Uranus placed very significantly on the Ascendant square the Nodes and semi-square a Mars-Neptune conjunction. Uranus is known for sudden disruptive events and Mars-Neptune are conjunct Achernar, the alpha star of the celestial river Eridanus so that it is no surprise that a sudden event has disrupted a river.

Fast forward to Jan. 29, the date of the news, transit Mars [19ar] has moved to square radix Pluto [19cp] and opposite the TNP Zeus [20li] of the landslide chart.. This is a combination for a fiery energy often produced by munitions (Zeus).  

But let us look at a chart for a Mercury-Uranus square that took place just a few days before the army action. This chart has the TNP Admetos (rock) on the MC in hard aspect to the fiery Zeus-Pluto square. Martha Wescott describes Admetus-Pluto as the “breaking up of a rock”. On Jan. 29 Mars [19ar] moved to complete a T-square with Zeus-Pluto within a degree. Moreover it was conjunct the star Acamar [23ar]- a dam in Eridanus, the celestial River of Life [3]!

So what might this mean metaphorically  on a personal level for individuals. Astrologer Adam Elenbaas describes it thus :

Mars in Aries will begin the process of weaving Uranus and Pluto together by first making a square to Pluto. This will be an explosive moment, a moment of upheaval, power, force, and reckoning. We will be wise to avoid all "unnecessary" confrontations, power struggles, or reckless choices, while also making the bravest decisions we can, the decisions most likely to create the breakthrough we know we need. How we do things matter as much as what we do!

* Then, between February 12th and 13th, Mars will bring its encounter with Pluto into its conjunction with Uranus, sparking a moment of emancipatory power. Declarations will be made. Intentions will be laid bare for all to see. Competition and defiance, as well as force, disruption, and innovation will be crackling through the air like a live wire.

