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Saturn opposes the US Sibly Sun

Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro said Caracas is breaking off diplomatic relations with the US, giving American diplomats 72 hours to leave the country, after Donald Trump recognized the opposition leader as interim head. Maduro announced the move to a large crowd of cheering supporters from a balcony of the presidential Miraflores Palace in Caracas, shortly after the US, and then several Latin American countries, decided to recognize the opposition leader Juan Guaido as Venezuela’s interim president.  Jan. 23

A new, updated data set is now available on a psychological phenomenon that has been labeled “Trump Anxiety Disorder” or “Trump Hypersensitive Unexplained Disorder,” and it says that the phenomenon only got worse in 2018.

Saturn transits to the radix Sun are among the most powerful. No one likes them. They are heavy, somber, and not fun at all. All Saturn cycles are about the transformation of symbolism into material reality which is why astrologers like to refer to them as “reality checks”.  In the US Sibly, the Sun [13cn] is square Saturn [14li]. Saturn conjoined the Sibly Sun in 2003. This was not only the beginning of the Iraq war but also the time when the U.S. started  intervening in oil-rich Venezuela.  Now at the halfway mark, with Saturn opposing the Sun, obstacles present themselves that illuminate the conflicted relationship that the US has with the world as well as with its own self. Attempts to oust the elected socialist government under Maduro have failed.  And at home the partial shutdown is a reflection of the conflicted internal relationships that have brought the government to a halt.

Another not so obvious result of  Saturn [14cp]  squaring its radix position [14li] is highlighted in the  story Mainstream Media Is Literally Making People Sick [1]. How is that? Saturn in the US Sibly rules the 3rd house linked to the media [2] and is placed at [14li] amid stars of Corvus.

Corvus is the Latin name for both the raven and the crow and these two birds are usually paired together in mythology. From the same family, their obvious intelligence and ingenuity, as well as their distinctive caw, has given them a widespread association with trickery, storytelling, the relaying of messages, and the serving of self-interest. But the colour of their plumage has also drawn a universal connection with malevolence, sinister forces, and ominous warnings. [3]

Moreover, the Moon which is placed in the 3rd house (media) and symbolizes the “common people” [4]  in mundane astrology makes hard aspects to the radix Sun-Saturn square. The Sun [13cn] is conjunct the asteroid Psyche [5] which rules “mental health” so that the Saturn transit opposite the radix Sun is triggering the entire combination and affecting the mental health (Psyche) of the common people (Moon).
