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The Brexit Iceberg Dead Ahead

This is the attitude of those opposed to it. Any real separation of the U.K. from the European Union would result in a catastrophe which knows no bounds. They have ratcheted up Project Fear to the point now of saying there will be food shortages and permanent supply problems for fresh fruit if a hard Brexit occurs.

And yet, after another major session of Parliament in which Remainers were supposed to scuttle the entire process we see Brexit moving steadily towards its obvious conclusion.

In this post we shall examine the horoscope of the EU to understand the major challenges it faces.  One of the most important transits currently  taking place in the EU chart is Uranus transiting over the MC (upper meridian).

In her book, The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott provides the following interpretation for Uranus transit to MC:

To feel the impact of others who institute or press for changes; others introduce tensions or crises associated with plans, future continuity or acceptance of responsibility; reactions to evidence of social upheaval.

In order to better understand the effect of the Uranus transit, given below is a table of entities (planets and asteroids) in a 90 degree sort that aspect the MC .

25 ar 7'51"
27 ar 18'44"
27 cn 55'22"

27 li 59'53"

Ceres is the relationship between a mother and a child. The asteroid Industria refers to just that industries, factories or business related. So think of a “mother-child”  relationship that is industrial or business related.  Does that sound like the relationship the EU (mother) has with its member states (child) ? The asteroid Lacrimosa is linked to sorrow and with Uranus aspecting this lot we have disruptions and breakdowns that create a fortunate (Jupiter) outcome.

The Uranus transit over EU’s MC has been taking place since last year so what has changed now? To answer that question take a look at the chart for the Jan. 21 Total Lunar Eclipse at Brussels. Here the eclipse and the associated Uranus-Nodal axis Grand Cross aligns with meridian which means that it has a significant message for the place.

I wrote about this eclipse in a previous post [1] wherein  I discussed the role of Haumea, the newly discovered dwarf planet. Readers are urged to go through this post, if they have not done so. I concluded with the following remark:

Whether it is the Brexit in UK, the Yellow Vest unrest in France or the War Party in the US, all globalists are going to face a tough time trying to keep the status quo going. The energy of the eclipse is forcing a major change from globalism to nationalism.

Finally, we note that the solar eclipse of Jan.6 at [16cp] fell on the radix Uranus-Neptune[18cp] of the EU chart and activated the Pluto transit taking place over the combination. Ebertin provides the following delineation for this:

(Uranus-Neptune) – Pluto : The abandonment of resistance, the necessity to give in, great losses, calamities and catastrophes.
