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China Bans Australian Coal Imports

Just days after it warned its citizens against traveling to New Zealand, Beijing has reportedly cracked down on imports of coal from Australia, cutting off the country's miners from their biggest export market and threatening the island nation's economy at a time when it and its fellow "Five Eyes" members who have sided with the US by blocking or banning Huawei's 5G network technology.

Eclipses bring about endings and new beginnings. Their effects can last at least 6 months after their actual occurrence. The powerful total lunar eclipse of January 21st  fell very significantly on the horizon axis of China’s chart (Oct.1, 1949; 3:01 pm, Beijing).  Presented here is the chart for the eclipse at Canberra, Australia. Notice that the Full Moon Grand Cross is anchored to the meridian through hard aspects meaning that it has a significant message for the place. The table below lists the planets, asteroids and TNPs that make up the eclipse Grand Cross arranged in a 90 degree sort.

26 cp 11'11"

26 cp 11'53"

true Node
26 cn 46'50"

28 ar 41'24"

0 le 40'36"

0 aq 51'35"

0 le 51'36"

3 sc 13'32"

The meaning of the various elements as provided by Martha Wescott [1] are given below.

ATROPOS: Endings, completion, conditions at the finish, what is needed to conclude.

HERA: Issues of “rights” between people; maintaining fairness in dealing with others; events through partners & partnership.

APOLLON: Business situations.

URANUS: Sudden disruptions often brought about because someone wants to go his own way.

It is not too difficult to put the pieces together to construct the news.

An ending to a business because someone felt cheated in a partnership.

On the Ascendant of the eclipse chart is the TNP Admetus in hard aspect to Saturn in the 8th house of business and financial dealings with other countries. Among other things Saturn rules “coal” [2] . To this add Martha Wescott’s delineation for Admetus-Saturn:

One has experiences of being shunned, isolated or “contained” as a discipline or consequence.

But we are not through yet. Why did the Chinese action come on Feb.21? Let us progress the eclipse chart to this date and what do we have. The Grand Cross aligns perfectly with the meridian thereby triggering the eclipse!


PS: Readers whose horoscopes are affected by the eclipse Grand Cross (i.e. with planets at  0 degree (+/-2 degrees) of Fixed Signs ..Leo,Scorpio,Aquarius,Tauras may see endings in  their personal life occurring now.
