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EU allies desert US

The centerpiece of Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s trip around Europe this week is a much-vaunted policy conference in Warsaw. Ahead of it, the top U.S. diplomat told reporters he wanted to talk about “the future of Middle East stability and prosperity.”
But the summit, initially designed to show international unity against Iran, is looking more and more like it will reveal the contradictions at the heart of President Trump’s policy on the region.  Feb. 14

The U.S. had called for a high level anti-Iran meeting in Poland. The purpose of the meeting was to bring with its allies into line with the U.S. agenda on Iran, to press them at least into issuing harsher sanctions. But the European rejected that. What the inept bumbling has achieved instead is to startlingly expose the deep and widening divisions between the US and its principal European allies.

So what was happening in the US horoscope to suggest that the allies would not fall in line? In the last few posts we have been discussing the Mars-Uranus conjunction [29ar]. In the US Sibly, the conjunction occurs square its radix Cupido [24cp] - Pluto [27cp] and opposite radix TNP Hades [0sc] in the 11th house forming a T-square. In mundane astrology, the 11th house rules the “friends and allies of the nation” [1]. In her book The Orders of Light, Martha Wescott provides the following interpretations:

Uranus-Pluto:  to see disruptive behavior based on emergent (formerly repressed) psychological content; to see power struggles between friends;  to recognize that  independent action is based on an assertion of dominance  (or attempt to regain control).

Hades-Uranus: to see a sudden or unexpected (Uranus) “turn for the worse” (Hades); to learn that “the wages of freedom are poverty” – that one may have to choose between independence (Uranus) or hardship (Hades).

Cupido-Pluto-Uranus-Hades: the sense of  group (Cupido) and friendship (Uranus) goes through a  radical (Pluto) decline (Hades).


  1. US has no allies, it has only enemies and vassals, period.


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