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Munich talks and the Lunar Eclipse

Europeans want relations with Moscow to go back to normal, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov said after a long chain of meetings in Munich, Germany, adding that Europe is increasingly ready to listen to what the Kremlin has to say.

Pence particularly clashed with German Chancellor Angela Merkel over their conflicting views on the Nord Stream 2 – the Russian gas pipeline project it develops together with some European companies, and which the US has long sought to undermine. While Pence claimed the project somehow threatens European security, Merkel maintained that Europe must retain sovereignty over its energy policy. Feb. 16.

We are still in the wake of the powerful Total Lunar Eclipse of Jan. 21.  Eclipses mark a time of shifting into a new octave of experience. They offer a time to resynchronize our selves with the ever-changing cosmic currents supporting our evolutionary progression in consciousness. They tend to bring about endings and new beginnings.

At Munich, Germany, the Full Moon lunar eclipse of Jan. 21 fell square the meridian and completing a T-square with Uranus on the IC. About the New Moon, Nick Fiorenza wrote:

Our Varuna Full Moon eclipse emphasizes our need to live authentically, in the uniqueness of our true essence and not out of the preconceived dictates of man-made dogmatic beliefs. The star Tegmine (which the eclipse Moon conjoins) can make one self-sacrificing, taking on the struggle of others. It can  then impart a complacent attitude with somewhat of a sluggishness to change or emerge from slumber, which can impel a need to be prodded to awaken.

Uranus forces a break from the conformity to the past . It supports  freedom and the expression of our uniqueness and originality challenging us to create new frontiers in experience and consciousness. It is the true pioneer, uninhibited by convention and establishment .  However, Uranus in its chronic expression can manifest as fear to change, to be spontaneous, or to take radical steps.

Uranus is currently transiting over Alrescha. Alrescha (Kaitain), Alpha Pisces, a very close pair of bluish-white stars, is the knot of the ribbon tying the two fishes of Pisces together. Alrescha lies across the cusp of sidereal Aries-Pisces, on the shore of sidereal Aries. Alrescha ties our primordial past, articulated by the horizontal fish swimming westward towards earlier Pisces, with our desire to rise from it, articulated by the upward leaping fish on the Aries cusp. Alrescha is the bond (as in glue) that ties our past with our future. Alrescha creates a neurological tension that seeks resolution. This very same tension imparts the motive to aspire to become more than we are.

In the our current context  we can see that it is inspiring Germany to move away from the US and live more authentically. If we need a confirmation that the eclipse was indeed active on  the date of the conference, all we need to do progress the eclipse chart to Feb.15 and lo and behold the eclipse T-square aligns perfectly with the horizon and is thereby triggered!
