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Syria Gas attack was staged

Riam Dalati, a BBC Syria producer, has said that the footage of people being treated after an alleged chemical weapons attack in the Syrian city of Douma was staged.

On 7 April 2018 at 7:30 pm, a chemical attack in the Syrian city of Douma reportedly killed at least 70 people. It was unclear what chemical had been used. Medics on the ground reported smelling a chlorine-like substance, but said the patients' symptoms and the large death toll pointed to a more noxious substance such as nerve agent sarin.The attack was attributed to the Syrian Army by rebel forces in Douma, non-governmental aid and medical workers there, and by a number of countries, including the United States, most NATO members, and the European Union.Syria and Russia's defense ministries stated that "the attack did not happen and video evidence for it was staged and directed by British intelligence".

Based on the data provided above, the Wynn Key Return progression for the Douma gas attack is  shown here. Note that the Wynn Key progression brings the current Mars-Uranus conjunction to the IC and this is part of a T-square with Pluto and the nodes.

The Uranus-Pluto "geocentric square" began in June 2012 and continued through March 2015, consisting of seven triggers (the exact squares occurring due to the planetary retrogrades). However, as the square begins to separate it is still within orb and carries the message of the original synods  (both the conjunction as well as the square).

Much as a New Moon contains a hidden message that unfolds in the phases that follow,  so too the current Uranus-Pluto square harks back to the synodic conjunction of the two planets in 1966.
The January 7, 1966 synod  (heliocentric) occurred in late sidereal Leo. Conjoining stars defining the theme of this synodic cycle were Mizar of Ursa Major and Asterion of Canes Venatici. These stars nest between the ecliptical longitudes of Zosma and Chort of Leo, and Denebola of Leo. This area of the zodiac produces fiery creative energy that must express, generally with world-wide level dramatics; as well as with smoke-screens and diversionary tactics designed to obscure the truth.

At the time of the synodic square (November 23-24, 2013…again heliocentric), Uranus and Pluto reside at the centers of their respective signs. Pluto has moved from its synod with Uranus in late sidereal Leo (conjoining Mizar) to mid-sidereal Sagittarius, and Uranus has moved to mid-sidereal Pisces.

As an opener and dismantler in sidereal Sagittarius, Pluto serves to break the  bounds created by falsehoods.  Pluto thus opens us to a greater Universal Truth, to an omniscient awareness by tearing down these limiting walls. We can no longer hide in anarchic ignorance and denial of our wholeness as one interactive world.

In shooting his arrow of Truth, the Sagittarian Archer destroys that which must die, the false truths and false gods of fear that lie hidden within self. It is this directness that causes the Centaur to often seem blatant and tactless. Behind this tenacity however is a galactic fire and profound love that few comprehend. Only those that know this find the true Centaurian to be a tremendously loyal friend.

This explains the reason why the truth is coming out as the now separating Uranus-Pluto square is triggered by Mars for the last time.

Reference: Revolution & Revelation - The Uranus-Pluto Square
